Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Right To Be A Prude

We the people, by indifference, neglect and indulgence, have allowed you, the media moguls, the mavens of marketing, the captains of industry, the stars of celluloid, to entertain us with violence, lewdness, vulgarity, and pettiness. All we, the beleaguered minority, ask in return is that you allow us the right to be prudes when we so choose.

Problem is, this right, unlike many other rights--like the right to be sober, the right to be drug-free, and the right to practice our religion--requires some degree of cooperation from you. Now, I humbly concede in my unrepentant prudishness that your agenda to fill my environment with unabashed, in-your-face, mammary and genitalia displays may be as natural as free running sewage, don’t force feed me with it. It is inexcusable that you, our executive, judiciary, and legislative branches of government and our captains of industry, cannot channel, confine, and package this virtual stream of porn so that it can be restricted to the proper time, place and setting of our choosing.

And while I appreciate the primal courage of all the naked hikers, streakers and performance artists and their need to educate all of us Victorian-steeped Pollyannas in our unhealthy prudishness, I must say sometimes I cannot distinguish you from all the flashers, pedophiles and rapists. Please respect my right to be a prude and let me and my family make a conscious choice to join your world without it being forced upon us. Therefore, when in my neighborhood, whether walking my streets, knocking at my door, or performing on my television screen or computer monitor, please come fully clothed, unless invited to do otherwise.

Loren M. Lambert
©March 15, 2006

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