Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The 700 Billion Dollar Balloon

Some want to call it a 700 billion dollar bailout, some a rescue and others a "stimulus package." But here's what it really is, a 700 billion dollar balloon for our billionaire barons. This huge house of cards we have all unwittingly helped amass into all of its lofty, termite ridden glory, was created on our backs by the elite who benefited most from its teetering heights. To keep it that way so that high property values, exorbitant interest rates, and easy credit could float them all above the dross, they need this gargantuan balloon to tether it up with millions of strings and gallons of helium.

Without the helium lift, land prices will fall and with it the house of cards that our entire economic mirage has been built upon. In the short run, except for those who have been completely responsible and have not bought into this mess, there will be pain, maybe lots of it. But in the long run, if the lower and middle class survive the crush, with lower land values, the American dream will be more within their grasp. Perhaps that is what we need to finally discipline our selves as a nation because that pain is going to come sooner or later, why not take it now?

However, with the billion dollar balloon, the elite will be able to continue earning obscene salaries while enslaving the American public with mortgages it can't afford and credit that it cannot resist.

Therefore, if the status quo is going to be floated so we can enjoy our house of cards a while longer until the helium slowly leaks away, at the very least demand that our politicians secure limits on usury and consumer credit and force the wealthy, before they sail away on their golden parachutes, to disgorge their plunder.

Loren M. Lambert
September 29, 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember a certon prophet that once said you can't be a good democrat and remain a good mormon, with the Democrats becomeing more liberal than ever i can't belive you would not support Mccain, I don't like ether of them I i am chooseing the least of the two eivls.Dennis