Thursday, January 16, 2014

Do People Vote For the Presidential Candidate That Will Get Them The Most Bacon?

A few of my conservative friends are upset because they think people voted for President Obama because he's promising to steal from the rich to give to the poor; i.e. them. They further cynically think that President Obama, for the sole purpose of maintaining power, promises to rain upon them riches.

I will give them credit for recognizing a common human proclivity--to scratch the back of him or her who returns this favor and I admit that indeed it does happen. But it goes both ways.

It is naive and myopic for those same conservatives to think that conservatives and the wealthy are immune to such human corruptions. Why do the rich, some single-handedly donate up to 70 million dollars to Mitt? Do they seek influence. Do they get benefits from politicians. Yes they do. It's buried in legislation favoring the rich, in corporate pork and in the awarding of government contracts.

Fact is everybody likes bacon (vegetarian of otherwise metaphorically speaking), and if they believe that the cheapest way to get it is by voting or donating a million dollars to the candidate that can bring it home to them, then that may be the only reason they do so.

But here's the differences between Mitt and Pres. Obama. Although the realities of politics has blunted Pres. Obama's ability to achieve all of his goals and those who thought he was bringing Camelot are disappointed, he is authentic, he has stayed on track with what be believes and knows to be the best choice for all Americans, from saving the banks and Detroit (not popular with the masses) to achieving an historic reform of our health care insurance (a small part of it not popular with the conservatives, the wealthy and those that already have insurance and don't want any one else to have it--[yes this is my spin but its the correct spin--you guys just want an exclusive club of the healthy and wealthy])

Mitt is not authentic, nor sincere, he changes his position when it suits him based upon who he thinks he can get the most money from. Also, he really sincerely does not view himself as the candidate for all Americans but the candidate for the rich and for those he can bamboozle. He wants to tie the rest of us up on the roof of the Winnebago and then the Cruise liner while he and his buddies go on a wild romp off through America and straight to the Cayman Islands--he's written us off.

So I voted for the candidate who truly wants to bring home the bacon for all Americans--Pres. Obama--and not the candidate who wants to bring home the bacon for himself and a few of his millionaire donors.

Loren M. Lambert © September 24, 2012

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