Wednesday, December 2, 2015

When You Think You Don't Need It You Really Do -- Public Education

Author David McCullough in his book The Wright Brothers explains that Wilbur and Orville Wright, who were amazingly ambitious, inventive and adept craftsmen--along with achieving flight within a maneuverable heavier-than-air aircraft, had "no college education, no formal technical training, no experience working with anyone other than themselves, no friends in high places, no financial backers, nor government subsidies and little money of their own. [And who had to have known there was] ... the entirely real possibility that at some point, like [others before them], they could be killed."
Many parents and other mentors of children who are aware of such icons as the Wright Brothers, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and numerous others in numerous professions and careers, who had no formal education or college degree, use them as examples of why their kids and disciples don't need formal education or higher education degrees. Others, such as some conservatives, common Philistines and Troglodytes use these giants as an excuse to neglect or advocate the destruction of public education or to discourage others from accessing it. However, invariably what they fail to understand is rarely do people have the superior intellect, work ethic or other advantages that these icons had.

In support of this reality, David McCullough goes on to chronicle, "Years later a friend to Orville said that he and his brother would always stand as an example for how far Americans with no special advantages could advance in the world. "But it isn't true," Orville responded emphatically, "to say we had nor special advantages . . . the greatest thing in our favor was growing up in a family where there was always much encouragement to intellectual curiosity."

That's what all humble, honest, perceptive and wise leaders of leaders understand. There is no such thing as the self-made man or woman. They get there with many great advantages, with a lot of hard work and upon the backs and wings of those who love them and those they love. And what all the rest of us of average intellect and physical ability should understand is that we, our children, and our charges, whether formally or informally, need all of the education and support that we can access.
The linchpin to all of this is the foundation of adequately funded, professionally staffed, public education. That way we all have the opportunity to take flight and show the way in our own places in the world.
-Loren M. Lambert, December 1, 2015 ©.

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