Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Ich bin ein Feloner

I recently heard that among the problems that Floridians are determined to fix with their new voting system, besides anchoring it in hurricane force winds, is preventing felons from voting. Apparently this is a big problem. Studies show that while only 30% of the general population regularly votes, if they could vote, 90% of the felons would--not! Floridians suspect that many felons voted in the last presidential election. Does that mean they voted for Bush? Hmmm. I would think they voted democratic. But who knows--maybe they cast all forty two of their illegal votes for Ralph Nader instead of Al Gore and the rest is history.

Unfortunately, felons are easy targets. There's not many politicians nor pundits stepping forward to champion their right to vote. And why should they? Who among us would sign a petition to allow such a right? But maybe we should. Think about it. If felons were allowed to vote, who would they vote for and how does one curry to the "felon voting block." "Vote for me because I'm the felon's friend," or "Vote blah-blah-blah because we're the party that's soft on crime." Wouldn't this at least let us know were the candidate or party stood on crime and punishment matters? And why shouldn't felons be allowed to vote based on this issue. Who is more knowledgeable about it?

But really, if felons could vote and the "felon vote" mattered, what would it say about our society? Look at any society gone wrong and you will find that the innocent have been "felonized" to prevent them from voting. Maybe we are doing that. Picture felons as the proverbial canary in the mine. If the vote of a felon can upset the political balance of a nation as great as ours it will mean that we too have felonized the innocent and sold our souls to the felons sitting in high offices. So, I say we should fear more the society that disenfranchises its felons than the felons who vote. Therefore, borrowing a phrase from Johh F. Kennedy, I say Ich bin ein Feloner and urge you all to fear more the indifference of the majority before you spend millions turning out the felon from the voting booth.

Loren M. Lambert, © September 7, 2004

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