Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Civil and Decent Society

Herb Cowan, large vegetable farmer and apparently reincarnated said:

"Even when I lived in a piss-poor village in 17 A.D., (although it may have been called a "charitable" act), we villagers were still "expected" to help out (not if we had a hankering to do it, but expected) when fellow villagers had any of their large arteries or veins spurting blood and they needed medical assistance.

Even then it was highly frowned upon and frankly not tolerated to walk away from some poor sucker bleeding to death, even if he or she was the town's least productive denizen. And we never felt like our pockets were being picked for lending a firm hand over the wound, because if some Roman Soldier accidentally gouged out one of our eyes or some wild beast severed a limb, we expected the same from our fellow villagers.

In fact, one villager once got banished for failing to come to the aid of another when a wild animal had ripped open his gut.

As a civil and decent society, some things are just worth pulling together on."

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