Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Seeing God

Many times a year as the sun rises or dips at the horizons, splashes of reds, pinks, yellows, oranges, blues and purples will color the clouds and thereby enrich every watchful eye.

The moon fully waxes and wanes a little more than 12 times a year and on several of those occasions, when it is near full, I spy it huge and beaming, surging over the mountains or plunging into the waters and hills of the Great Salt Lake.

The skies darken with storms and often in the midst of turbulence, the clouds will part and a beam of sunlight will grace a mountain or highlight a quaint or statuesque building, the moon will peek out like the luminescent eye of a beast, or a rainbow will span the horizon.

While walking in a quiet, wild wood some creature rarely seen and, almost having slipped out of memory, will blunder into view, then casting a quick, furtive glance, will lock eyes with me for a moment and reveal a window into the universe before vanishing back into the void.

A few times a year I will have the privilege of catching a boundless child’s smile, of witnessing a captivating dance sequence, of hearing an enrapturing voice or musical arrangement, or of seeing a spontaneous and unanticipated act of kindness.

I experience them all, and yet each time seems as if I am witnessing their awe for the first time and therein rediscovering God again and again.

But most of all, at all times of the year, I see and feel God in you. And it is under the weight of this wonder that I am compelled by the beauty to my knees, as if without a choice, with the truest of payers upon my lips. Loren M. Lambert, © September 25, 2015.

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