Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Difficult, Dangerous and Important Job of Truth Seekers

The problem is, most politicians tell you what you want to hear, not what you need to know; and the talk show hosts who support them do the same. They both have the same motive: money, fame and power.

The second problem is that most of us only want to hear what we think we already know and not what we need to know because it might challenge our views or cause us to change our minds; and the talk show hosts we choose to listen to are chosen by us merely to confirm our positions. In selecting both, we have the same motive: consistency for its own sake and confirmation.

Rare is the politician or talk show host that is willing to tell their constituents what they need to know. And rarer still is the human being who seeks out contrary viewpoints to determine what they need to know and have not considered.

This makes the job of those with knowledge exponentially difficult, sometimes even dangerous, and of the utmost importance.

© Loren M. Lambert September 25, 2015

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