Friday, October 9, 2015

Me Thinks Thou Dost Protest Too Much

Every time there is a shooting, the far right wingnuts trot out the same old BS that the right to own a gun is the same the as the right to freedom of speech.

You see, no matter how batshit crazy you are, while I'll protect and fight for your right to shoot off your mouth at whomever you like in your exercise of free speech, the Right's wingnuts will fight and protect your right to acquire and shoot off your guns at whomever you like.

It just may be probable that those who immediately launch into an irrelevant, emotional whine when it is suggested that the mentally ill who have paranoia and homocidal ideation should not possess guns could very well be paranoid, homocidal gun owners who would stand to lose under such a policy.

There is no other rational explanation to protest such a rule.

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