Friday, October 9, 2015

Crime and Punishment

I can't believe they let me live here and that they don't tax me when I experience such a beautiful day and that they don't declare it a sin unless I auto-flagellate--which I'd be willing to try if the sin was sufficiently egregious.

Yet I did commit mouse murder last night by setting a trap when something scampered past my door the night before, making me think I saw a ghost.

It must have been a good thing, otherwise my day would have been terrible. Maybe it's the beauty before the storm of punishment because I really don't like killing mice. When I do all the cute mice from fairy tales and movies pop into my head, but at the same time, I can't abide them living in my house. I'd feel much better if I had a house owl that did my dirty work.

Also, it would be okay if they could be house trained to deposit their little sausage shaped packages in a mouse litter and only ate and chewed on what you gave them and could be given shots for all those microbes they carry around as pals.

Anyway, catch a cirrus cloud and ride it into the next wondersphere. That's where I will be.

Loren M. Lambert, October 7, 2015 ©.

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