Friday, October 9, 2015

Space, Solitude, Instinct and The Firmanfooplace

 The Pfiefferhorn from Maybird Lake in Maybird Gulch
Many mammals, birds, reptiles and even some insects, while they form communities, will within those community disperse and create distance between nesting or breeding areas. Those communities increase proportionally to their population by maintaining that same distance as long as there is additional space to expand within.

I suspect humans have that same instinct to disperse while staying within their expanding communities. However, under the pressure of high density populations, limited land mass and private property ownership, that instinct can only be satiated by travel or by ridiculously long climbs up rocky, muddy and treacherous mountains or death marches into wildernesses to seek the elusive sensation of solitude, space and first-human-foot-in-this-place sensation or what is commonly known as firmanfooplace. And that’s what we found today, firmanfooplace, even if that illusion was momentarily broken when the wiry bearded guy lapped us and the father and two kids mocked us with their light nimble steps.

Get your firmanfooplace where and when you can, and thereby give that instinct for distance its space at the firmanfooplace.

Loren M. Lambert © October 2, 2015

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