Monday, October 26, 2015

Zombie Mosquitoes and The Art of Sitting Down

Joan Vernikos, PhD says we need to create and find opportunities to stand up and sit down a lot, but to sit down slowly so we use our muscles. So I guess Catholic Mass and musical chairs (except you have to move like a zombie whilst doing it), makes a of sense but is it enough to convert? Yes, who can make me a zombie out there, I'm taking applications. Maybe a Catholic Priest Zombie? No, scratch that, a nun. No, no, no, just a nice Catholic woman with good teeth, then I could take care of my first choice and decide on the other one later. On second thought, that all sounds a little, I don't know, perhaps a zombie mosquito I can swat. Are there Zombie mosquitoes? That would be frightening.
Loren M. Lambert, October 16, 2015 ©

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