Saturday, August 24, 2019

Donkey Politics at Its Best

Within the shadow of the everlasting mountains, the Democrats held their convention behind the "What Jesus Most Sanctifies" podium. This was not as snappy as I remember the Republican Convention I attended years ago, but significantly more colorful.

There were only two contested races for the Democrat nominees. All four seemed highly qualified. How could I chose? One lost my vote due to a petty stereotype mentioned by the guy introducing him, and the other lost my vote merely due to a slightly greater affinity I had for the other candidate.

I believe that the person who shined the brightest as a great leader at the convention was the gentleman who took the time to pick up all the paper towels that missed their mark in the men's restroom. Bravo! A true hero.

I suspect many of the candidates would see this as beneath their dignity, but if I could run them through a similar test, then I'd know the true public servants.

If all of us had the attitude of this gentleman in all of our doings, there would be need for only a very lean government.

Loren M. Lambert © April 12, 2014

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