Saturday, August 24, 2019

Medical Care Professional's Shortage

On one of NPR’s local programs, I heard an interview with a CEO of a medical staffing corporation here in Utah. He indicated that on any given day, there are between 20 to 30,000 job openings for medical professionals across the U.S.  He further indicated that there is a workforce shortage of medical professionals in this country. (No, this is not a shortage caused by the ACA. This has long been the story in our country.)

I think I mentioned, a few months ago, that I attended a luncheon in which I met a French physician who said that her husband (a licensed doctor, and one of the leading experts in the world in the field of neurology) had been going through a very complex and expensive process to obtain his license here in the United States. He is here, engaged in cutting-edge research on neurological diseases. She is unable to practice while here, also.

This is illustrative of the Achilles heel of the American medical establishment that has prevented market forces from providing inexpensive and efficient healthcare services to the U.S. population and has thereby catapulted the current healthcare reforms into place.

If Republicans and conservatives are sincerely serious about allowing the markets to work in our healthcare system, they needs to relax the U.S. medical community’s stranglehold on medical education and licensing.

Loren M. Lambert © July 23, 2014

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