Monday, April 1, 2019

Mayberry and Meisner

I represented a case in Mayberry, Utah (Manti, Utah). It went like I thought it would. The witness failed to show, so the case was dismissed. Why did he not show up?  He was untruthful to the police and didn't want to compound the trouble he caused. It was an assault. The only witness was my client and the alleged victim.

The evidence was shoddy, but the prosecutor would listen. I have no doubt my client is innocent. He's the one that got pounded on. I don't like to win this way because the prosecutor is not confronted with his own misjudgment. He can blame it on the witness and not on his own bad decision and go on feeling smug.

I’m taking a Meisner acting class. It has taken my skills to a wonderful level. It's like being “in the zone.” Acting is magical when done well. It allows us to escape into a mystical world as if it were real, permitting both actor and audience to experience the power of a heartfelt story, whatever that may be. It is cathartic and entertaining, while it connects us to each other and to our humanity.

I have found that acting is as easy as riding a river, charming a snake, having good sex, taming a tornado, or tipping a shark. Some are born naturally with these skills; the rest of us have to work at them. For me, only a couple of these skills came naturally. I've had to work at the others. I think if I had started at age four, I'd have slipped into it without a hitch. But life and alleged maturity tends to beat out of us our capacity to live truthfully in our imaginations.

Loren M. Lambert © August 14, 2013

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