Monday, April 1, 2019

Spoiled Israel

I listened to Billy Cunningham, the self proclaimed, "Great American." He and others have been especially vocal about welfare benefits creating a market for single women with children. While on one hand, I think they are selective to a fault with their data, I understand their point: If it is monetarily easier to live off uncle Sam and be single and have kids than it is to establish a monogamous stable marriage, people will choose the former. (I don't think human nature is so easily reduced to one motive.)

Billy should understand my point. Israel just announced the planned building of new settlements. While I support Israeli self-determination and continued security, let’s face it: Israel will never have peace, because we have enabled Israel by our generous support. This support is similar to the way conservatives say we have enabled single mothers to adopt the mindset to remain single with kids. Why make the sacrifices for a peaceful resolution when we just continue to bankroll their irresponsibility?

So, you have heard it from me, Loren Lambert: a pretty good human being, who happens to also be a great American.

Loren M. Lambert © August 11, 2013

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