Monday, April 1, 2019


Some think it is reason which makes us human and gives us our unique dimensions. It is not. It is our passion.

Reason is the poorer twin to our passion. Reason is often cold, cunning, and calculating. At times, it is the sole standard bearer of the despots and the insensate. When tired, cold, hungry, downtrodden, and oppressed, it is reason that will fail us first.

This is not the case with our passion. It is our passion that ignites our souls.  Passion is not some tawdry emotion to be suppressed and then only unveiled briefly in our romantic tumbles, or unleashed upon our betrayals. No, it is our very core, our essence. It is passion that galvanizes our strength, warms our hearts, reaches for something superior, and prevails over all adversity.

Embrace your passion. Foster its emergence until you stand tall as a vibrant warrior, effulgent and crowned, towering over the frey.

Loren M. Lambert © August 15, 2013

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