Saturday, July 6, 2019

Blame It On Basketball

Guided by the pewter prophets,
with far-from-innocent eyes,
pointing toward a promised land.

Not a mean fibre in my body, until basketball. 
Not an exclusive gene in my pocket, until submerging. 
How did the card-carrying member of the mutual admiration society 
go so far, so wrong, so beyond human touch.
Pulled between the visceral and the supernal,
far beyond synchronicity. 

With the end always in mind
Blessings bestowed as delicate tortures.
Paying forward the pain, long before requited
then by deception retracted on 
an irresistible path to repay 
the leavings of the 
completely loved out, 
smooth-soothing slash,
slicing thin as slivered ice
filled beyond the brim,
flamed out of all value 
in an underwater vault
buried beneath without remorse.

Yet, prostate with gratitude 
for nerves laid bare before the alter,
to be offered up into oblivion,
until nothing is left but to surrender
to a hate that has to be as large as the hurt
of the memory of all lost love
to fashion a cradle of forgetfulness, 
to bury at the beginning, 
to have never loved, 
to have never been tender.

With the mornings first light
among the strewn and dismembered,
a detached hand raises to implore,
wishing to then be gathered in.

Loren M. Lambert © February 14, 2014

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