Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Fish or People, People or Fish?

“John Boehner, R-Ohio, supports California drought plan that puts people before fish.”

Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, has come out against a proposed multi billion dollar mine near the headwaters of two major Bristol Bay salmon streams, a rare stand by a political leader in a state where the mining industry has rarely been questioned. He thinks it more important not to destroy a “renewable resource” in the rush to extract a “non-renewable resource.”

Geese, who’s right? Do we eat fish? Yes. Do we need oil, yes. Which do we need the most? Will it be bad if we kill the fish to get the oil? Yes. Is it a choice between the two? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. So whose right? Do we err on the side of killing fish and getting resources? Or err on the side of saving fish?

My vote is fish if they are really tasty or involve mermaids. I say oil if it’s really shiny and keeps my pills in nice bottles.

Loren M. Lambert © January 22, 2014

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