Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Whip that Became a Miracle Catalyst of the Obesity Pandemic/ The Beginning of the End/ or–Why I Hate Current Cuisine.

It probably happened like this. In 1933 Kraft product development whizzes where sitting in their food development chamber scheming:

Kraft R & D Director: "Let's see, Hellmann’s/Best Foods' mayonnaise has absolutely no competitor in the market since 1905. How do we come up with the miracle to create a cheaper product and to compete and thereby take over the world mayo market?”

Kraft R & D Scientist: “What do people really love? What do kids especially, really love? Only one answer-- sugar. So let's whip a bunch of sugar into our mayonnaise.”

Kraft R & D Director: “ Brilliant! What should we call it?”

Kraft R & D Marketer: “Miracle Whip!!!"

And this was the beginning of the end. This is why, kids, that almost every processed food and everything you buy at a restaurant has to have a bunch of sugar and why you are the most obese nation in the world with the highest rate of diabetes. You owe it all to Miracle Whip.

That is why I knew there was something sinister when I bit into my first sandwich as a kid with Miracle Whip on it, and that is why I hate modern cuisine.

I do not like Miracle Whip. I do not want all my food to taste like dessert anymore than I want people to run around naked all the time. There is a time for sugar and there is a time to refrain from sugar. There is a time for nakedness and a time to refrain from nakedness.

We need more nakedness and less sugar in the world–at least in its proper place and in proper proportions.

Loren M. Lambert © December 20, 2013

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