Friday, February 7, 2014

Hannity's Fantasy Playground--A Place for America's Rabid Wackos

I was listening to Sean Hannity on October 28, 2012. He had a completely wacky commentator on his program that made the ridiculous fantasy-land claim that Pres. Carter “made the Shah of Iran put the Ayatollah into power,” and that Pres. Obama and Hillary Clinton undermined the Egyptian army so that the Muslim brotherhood could rise to power.

The Muslim brotherhood rose to power as the antithesis against a brutal dictator named Hosni Mubarak and because the people of Egypt elected them whether we like that or not.

The Shah of Iran was deposed because he was a brutal, corrupt and despicable dictator who was deposed by the Iranian people by a popular revolution that we had no control over and that we had in essence energized by our installation of the Shah and our unconditional support of him.

Hannity’s platform to the psychotic is complete scatology. His support for these wackos is no different than Iran’s support for Mahmound Ahmandinejad who claims the Holocaust never happened.

The wacko on the Sean Hannity show further alleged that it is Pres. Obama and Hillary Clinton’s mission to put into power Al Qaeda across the Middle East. This allegation is so incredibly outlandish that anybody claiming to have any journalistic discretion would have immediately shut the man up.

I would have had no problem if Pres. Obama had lost the presidency because of factual information. But this is not what is happening. There is some visceral, ill-founded and specious hatred toward Pres. Obama and Hillary Clinton that has absolutely nothing to do with their policies or reality. The only thing that this can be attributed to is an unconscious or conscious racism and sexism against the two. Stop giving these outlandish voices a podium.

Shawn Hannity is not a journalist, by giving these psychopaths a voice he is just as intellectually bankrupt and as despicable as they are. He is nothing more than a poly evangelist who will allow anyone to say anything and he will say almost anything regardless of its basis in reality to achieve his ends of destroying Pres. Obama and his administration and he has been on this warpath from day one. It is amazing that President Obama has been able to get anything done with such vitriolic hatred, racism and sexism gripping the country.

Loren M. Lambert © October 28, 2012

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