Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Will We Show Ourselves to Be A Nation With Courage or One of Petty Selfishness?

Most everyone's argument against health care reform is that they have never had a problem accessing health care, or they or someone they know accessed health care through charity. In essence, "I have it, some other people I know have it, so I could care less if millions of others, regardless of the reasons, do not have it." Why is that the American way? This isn't about who has a 2 ton pick up truck or a vacation to the Caribbean. It's about access to basic health care and creating a rational way of paying for it. If that's un-American, than it's un-American to go to war for this country.

Comment 1: Loren M. Lambert - When I was in the military the health care was superior and outstanding except that for the mental health care some of the soldiers I counseled got. Jacob--I give you a brake or I mean a break, or even both, but all the polls I have conducted verify that this is how most people view it, yet admittedly you were not polled.

Comment 2: Loren M. Lambert - It is deplorable to directly claim that God has decreed that Mitt Romney should win because it creates a polarization that is unfortunate. The religious should realize that arguing in terms of values can be understood by everyone and does not create a division that is unproductive and unnecessarily divisive.

Loren M. Lambert © October 31, 2012

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