Friday, February 21, 2014

The Facts

Fact: A country with the cheapest ice cream, will have a higher per capita ice cream consumption rate.

Fact: A country with more per capita dogs will have more per capita dog-bite related injuries.

Fact: A country with a higher percentage of bowlers, will have more people per capita dropping bowling balls on their toes.

Fact: A country awash with easily accessible narcotic pain medications, will have a greater number per capita of narcotic deaths and addicts.

Fact: A country with the highest per capita gun ownership (90 out of every 100 Americans owns a gun) will have a higher per capita incident rate of gun related deaths and accidents.

Fact: A country with a higher percentage of those with mental health conditions without access to mental health care, who also simultaneously live in a country with a higher percentage of gun ownership, will have a higher per capita percentage of tragic gun related incidents involving the mentally ill.

This is not subject to argument (yes, I know, you'll try, but really it is not), the only question is, do we accept it, can anything be done about it, and if so, what?

Comment 1: Loren M. Lambert - Yes, we should never "blame" a person's failings such as alcoholism, addiction, mental illness, criminality on the rest of us but we should not facilitate them, enable them nor with hold treatment that can eliminate or ameliorate the consequences of their actions. @You-Who-Know-You-Do-This, you are so predictable, you can't miss an opportunity to impute evil motives on everyone, malign those you don't agree with and throw platitudes and labels around which is no substitute for actual cogitation. We get enough of that from FOX News.

Comment 2: Loren M. Lambert - Since I believe the second amendment was passed not so that we could hunt but so that would could rise up as the founding forefathers did and have the possibility of defeating a tyrannical government. (Bill O states that it ain't going to happen since our military has such overwhelming firepower. Yet what Bill O doesn't understand, is if our country reached that point of no return, our military's loyalty might be divided as it is in Syria). However, you have to accept the reality that the availability and shear number of assault rifles does facilitate those that will use them to do harm and this will inevitably mean greater carnage per incident--it's just an irrefutable fact of statistics and reality.

Loren M. Lambert © December 18, 2012

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