Monday, November 26, 2018

In All of Our History, Charity Has Never Been Enough

While charity should be the impetus to much of our actions, and while it is the essential character that makes a nation built by co-operational sacrifice worth living in, it has never, in the history of humanity, been enough.

Charity has never built a national infrastructure, never trained a police force, never assembled an army, never saved an endangered species, never cleaned up a river, never maintained the rule of law, and never built a nation. Unfortunately, charity (which has always had a place unfettered and unrestrained by government, corporate power, or peer pressure in a modern nation) never has, never will, and never can cause a healthcare system to be built solely upon the principles of market forces, alone, and to provide access to its necessary resources in a fair, efficient, and equitable manner.

All charity can do is blunt its sharp edges. In fact, charity is the antithesis of the market system. Market forces dictate that no food, water, housing, education, healthcare, or comfort should be given to those who cannot directly pay for them, regardless of the reasons for their need.

Loren M. Lambert © September 23, 2012

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