Monday, November 26, 2018

Say No to Blasphemy Laws

The United Nations is starting to lose its luster for me. It is astounding that in this day and age, allegedly rational human beings – many of them with leadership positions in the U.N. – are aggressively advocating international blasphemy laws.

Why is it so difficult for the religiously and politically blinded to understand that offense is “taken” – not “given?” What is so alluring about the power (gained by the pious and the politicians) that comes from declaring some place, some person, some idea, or some realm beyond criticism, comment, or condemnation?

Something that is inherently good or genuinely divine attracts very few antagonists or detractors because of its inherent goodness – not because any person, group, government, pope, Iman, etc. has sanctioned, imprisoned, or condemned to death anyone who would question, disrespect, or blaspheme it.

Given such inherent goodness, one can simply ignore the miscreants that attempt to convince otherwise. Do not be sucked into thinking laws should be passed to protect anyone's sensibilities or propensity to engage in violence because they have been offended.

Loren M. Lambert © October 10, 2012

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