Monday, November 26, 2018

Romney Makes Promises, But Discusses Not How

Governor Romney is now saying he would preserve some of the Obama healthcare reforms. This is a step back from his promise: "The first thing I'll do is repeal Obamacare!" He said he'll keep the provisions that disallow denials of coverage for pre-existing conditions and for dropping you if you get sick.

However, many good, smart people struggled with this issue and realized that to make it work (when you increase what's covered, you increase the expense) you have to provide a way that gets everyone insured so everyone contributes. How is he going to do that? He hasn't said “how,” has he? In fact, he hasn't said how he plans on doing lot of things.

It's so easy to make the feel-good promises to:  lower taxes, create a billion jobs, make us energy dependent, and move all the oil to our country by surreptitiously drilling a transcontinental underground pipe into everyone's oil fields and drain them. It's hard to explain “how” to carry out promises. 

Mitt is long on promises and short on well-thought-out answers on how he'll fulfill them.

Loren M. Lambert © September 10, 2012

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