Monday, November 26, 2018

McCain Schools Hannity

Sean Hannity got schooled by the honorable John McCain. (Yes, I believe McCain is an honorable and very intelligent man. His loss of the election had nothing to do with his competence and more to do with the historical climate at the time.)

To all my far-right friends: Let's assume that Hannity was right in asserting that President Obama "let the Muslim brotherhood rise to power in Egypt" (which is pure, unadulterated, dead, brine fly sludge), and tell me what President Obama should have done.

To you, fact checkers: Was Hitler really democratically elected (as claimed by a Hannity guest)? My recollection is that his jackboots were already kicking the stuffing out of people and the Germans caved. If he was democratically elected, then what went wrong? Could the world have prevented it or contained it? (I think it could have been contained and it should have started when he commenced invading other countries and/or massacring Germany's citizens.)

I must undergo a politics fast for three days so I can lower my blood pressure.

Loren M. Lambert © September 13, 2012

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