Saturday, December 22, 2018

"Beauty Is When The Skin Texture Is Deep." Skin Texture Nation, Socks

I am at that age when my skin is really cool. I have the best of youth and age.

It's not so cured that I could mix in with an elephant troop, yet (I’m planning on that in a couple of years). It’s not so inelastic that I have to use tacks to keep it in place, or piercings to tighten it up and batten it down (that, in about a decade).

Naked, all the scars I've earned throughout life are showing up really well now. If I ever went to a nudist colony, I could talk for hours, relating the stories behind each scar – except for maybe the one on my ass (not sure the statute of limitations has passed on how I got that one, so I'd have to skip that story).

Still, I almost look like I’m not a day over 17 when I’m really wet, just coming out of a hot-spring pool dripping, when there's a nice bit of steam wafting about, and it's dusk or dawn and you squint a bit.

Best of all, my skin is at that perfect stage when I can now order from, You can wear these socks all day. You can wear them on Fridays at work, and under white-collar-work slacks, hidden from curious eyes. When you come home after the TGIFs, you can rip everything off, put on your Native American, Samoan, Maori, Aborigine, or African loin cloth (I have a couple dozen) – or heck, even lederhosen (depending on the socks worn of course) and – viola! – the skin has molded into a be-a-u-ti-ful Maori texture-tattoo, etc. that lasts the entire weekend of LARP-ing.

This is very fun and exciting, especially for my fellow lady LARPers who, of course, order their stuff from, which creates a great embellishment for their Viking, Xena, or Wonder Women two-piece warrior outfits.

Next week, I'm coming home for the weekend as an Amazon Kamayura Warrior, with socks from the most recent Knee-High Texture-Tattoo sock addition to their product line. (I get to try it first!)

As the Kamayura say, "Leg texture ends all conjecture," and "Beauty is when the skin texture is deep."

Loren M. Lambert © June 1, 2013

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