Friday, December 21, 2018

The Creative Process and the Oscars (Thank You, Richard Dutcher, for Oscar Night!)

Some believe that to acknowledge uncertainty is to assure its place in our lives; yet here is truth: While there is greatness in most of us, there is tenacity in only a handful to realize their full potential, and there are still a limited few, who, unfettered by poverty, circumstance, and misfortune, succeed above all others and realize not just their own dreams, but our most florid aspirations

I seek to be among them. I have a steadfast confidence that what I offer is worthy of an audience, and capable of greatness.  I do not know if I will ever stand on the summit, but I do not dispel the possibilities.

Regardless, I only acknowledge what we are all so fond of stating: It is the journey, not the destination, that is important. In our realm of excellence, it is the process of creation, not the culmination thereof, that should be hallowed and cherished as much as any pilgrimage to Mecca, transfiguration to some higher state, or nomination for an Oscar.

If we all understood that, there would be no time to disparage, no temptation to exploit, no envy of those above us, nor any compulsion to disdain those who follow below.

I love the creative process. I love how it fills my soul with reverence, awe, and sublime purpose. I love being part of productions filled with those who share this same passion and who recognize that it is the process that must be hallowed.

This does not mean that we invite mediocrity in our work, or that we condone a lack of integrity towards those who share this journey with us. It simply means there is value in what we do, here and now, and that we must honor all who strive with us, who lead the way, and who follow, regardless of any of our final destinations.

Love the process. Love those who share in it with you. Hallow them both, and experience success, here and now.

Loren M. Lambert © February 25, 2013

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