Saturday, December 22, 2018

Just Like Watergate (Serious?)

Today, every journalist dreams of the day they will save the country, the world, and maybe even the universe by breaking the story that reveals some ugly truth that then allows us to remove the usurper before it is too late.

Every politician prays to be the one to guillotine their rival and to then be paraded through the streets upon the backs of their constituents while holding aloft, by its graying hair, the severed head of their fallen foe.

The only problem is they are all so eager and so hellbent on doing the above, that they don't want to reveal the truth as much as what they think the truth is going to be, or should be, based upon their hopes, suspicions, most recent hallucination, and grandiose delusions. Few of them show the restraint and wisdom of a true patriot, or demonstrate the discipline or ethical fortitude of the journalistic gumshoes, like Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. Few of them work for an organization that insists on being right, instead of always being first or being the most incendiary.

 Benghazi was catastrophic, the allegations of IRS partisanship are despicable and disturbing, but absolutely no truth-revealing evidence has been produced that indicates that any of these, or other governmental debacles, even approach the perfidy that was Nixon's Watergate. If and when it ever does, I'll be out there in front leading the charge of impeachment.

Loren M. Lambert © May 24, 2013

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