Saturday, December 22, 2018

Review Of Ukraine

I felt the blessing and the curse of not being able to post on Facebook for a while, but I am back on.

Just so you know, the men still wear Speedos at the pool, here in the Ukraine. (It’s a European custom that goes way back.)  Also, you must wear pool sandals and a pool swimming cap. I almost started a riot because I didn't have one. Now I do.

When eating, I noted that salads are a good bet, bacon is not bacon, dumpling and borscht are great, the portions are perfect, many of the restaurants are fabulous, and the dollar is strong. Don't eat at restaurants that display medieval torture devices as a theme, unless you aren't like me. I suffered nightmares all night afterward.

Most people don't own pets, but there are a ton of very cute, healthy-looking stray dogs in Chernitsvi. Go figure! So, if you can't adopt a child here, you could probably adopt a dog.

Just as in camping, you don't pitch your tent close to the restroom, and you don't book a sleeping compartment on the train next to the latrine (thanks to olfactory saturation, I managed okay).  There is something quite romantic about the sway and clickety-clack of train travel. I get to do it again in a few days. (Oh, and it cost two grivnas to use the train station restroom.)

I hate to make you all jealous, but we got 15 inches of snow yesterday that blew in sideways. Eat your hearts out!  All in all, it’s a beautiful, snowy, yet engaging place.

Oh, and don't lightly whistle in the art gallery. I almost got a fine slapped on me by a dosin.

Sending my love – from Lviv, Ukraine.

Loren M. Lambert © March 16, 2013

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