Friday, September 28, 2018

Anhedonic Dead

The anhedonic dead,
shorted out by overcharged emotions
that strip the insulation and blackens the sockets
with a shower of sparks
to leave blank ashen orifices
to suck up the darkness of the soul
until nothing but the stench of spent flesh stuns the senses.

Loren M. Lambert © October 22, 2009

Human Dynamite!

We all have about 23,000 genes, which is significantly less than a nematode, and a great deal less than some common house plants. I guess dynamite and the ability to create nuclear holocaust does come in a very small package, whether dressed in a peel-the-eyes  neglige or an impractical, but swanky suit.

Loren M. Lambert © December 30, 2009

Genes That Make Things

There are genes that make things, and there are genes that switch (on and off) the genes that make things. Some peoples' “switch genes” just switch on a lot more, and once scientists can manipulate the switch genes to stay on all the time, we may be able to find Oprah Winfrey's replacement – or perhaps even another Bruce Almighty.

Loren M. Lambert © December 29, 2009

Death Sentences Common In Islamic Law

A Saudi Arabian court sentenced to death a Lebanese national for "sorcery," and another man for "apostasy." These cases depict the idiocy of extreme Islamic law. Google “death sentences in Muslim countries” and you will discover that while we have college bowl games, they entertain themselves by sentencing everyone to death who doesn't think like they do.

Merry Christmas, and praise the U.S. of A!

Loren M. Lambert © December 22, 2009

“Gofermorebacon” Climate Warming Convention

The Salt Lake City “Gofermorebacon” climate warming convention has resulted in a treaty, pledging that every Wasatch Front resident will 1) ride his/her bike at least 30 days to work/school, and 2) turn our thermostats down two degrees in winter and up two degrees in summer.

For winter: Buy those sweaters and silky Victoria’s Secret long janes and LJ Bean long johns. For summer: Prepare to peel off and strip down, and ride those bikes.

Loren M. Lambert © December 19, 2009

Two Innovations Claim to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Brigham Young University developed a polymer-coated fertilizer that reduces carbon emissions in agriculture, yet increases crop yield. It's also developing a BEANO (gas and bloating medicine) product to reduce methane in domestic cows, pigs, and retired geriatrics by 50 percent, while improving their verility! These two innovations, alone, will reduce U.S. green house gas emissions by 30 percent, allow us to sign the climate treaties, and allow Larry King to have 10 more kids!

Loren M. Lambert © December 15, 2009

Rain In December

Growing up in Salt Lake City, I can't remember it ever raining in December. However, in the last several years, it has rained in December – just as it did last night, turning to snow today.

So, is the climate warming? Is there just more antifreeze in the clouds? Or, did God lower the freezing temperature of H2O?

Loren M. Lambert © December 13, 2009

Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech

Be sure to read Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech: very insightful, realististic, yet inspirational. It held out the hope that, someday, every child may have within his or her grasp the potential to realize his/her aspirations and dreams.

Loren M. Lambert © December 11, 2009

School Program Seat Policy

How many seats is one allowed to save at his kid's school Christmas program before it’s not Christmas anymore, but the advent preparing for Memorial Day?

Loren M. Lambert © December 9, 2009

Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention

Necessity is the mother of invention, and war has often been its father. Why not introduce necessity to a new partner, so we don't have to wait until we’re at the brink?

Loren M. Lambert © December 9, 2009

Coal Company Loses, Then Wins, Then Loses

West Virginia Massey Coal Company CEO loses case (Caperion v. Massey), then appeals $50 million loss, donates three million to oust state Supreme Court Judge and elect new judge.

CEO's guy wins, then casts the deciding vote to overturn the loss. Sound like Iraq? Mexico? Thankfully, U.S. Supreme Court spanks new judge for sitting on case and overturns it.

Loren M. Lambert © December 7, 2009

Hurry – Howl at the Moon!

It's not too late to howl at the moon before the next muscle-car-driving retrovirus rolls into town and hijacks your DNA.

Loren M. Lambert © December 3, 2009

Enforce Your Rights!

I was out all day, and into the late evening, enforcing my right not to have to brake for anything or anyone. If you don't do the same, to fight for your right not to have to brake or slow down, you'll watch such liberties slipping away. It's in the Constitution. Go read it.

Loren M. Lambert © December 3, 2009

Howl at the Moon This Morning

Make sure you all take a moment to howl at the lovely moon this morning. Let me know what you howl about in this “howl out.”

Loren M. Lambert © December 2, 2009

Obama Sounded Reasonable

Whether you agree with him or not, Obama made it all sound so reasonable. It's so refreshing to listen to such an intelligent, insightful leader.

Loren M. Lambert © December 1, 2009

Adopt a Mummy!

The International Egyptologist Antiquities Association, through ARPP, says that for $100, you can adopt a mummy for a year. Your name will be entered to win an invitation (100 winners) to assist in restoring and re-polishing your mummy's nails and freshening up her/his breath.

You could also win an all-expenses paid cruise with several mummies (10 winners).

Loren M. Lambert © November 29, 2009

Embrace the Cold

Embrace the cold, make peace with a snowman.

Loren M. Lambert © November 24, 2009

Tools To Learn To See and Feel

Dorothea Lange, the renowned photographer of the Depression, said that "[a] camera is a tool to learn to see without a camera."

Similarly, I believe that acting is a tool to learn to feel without acting.

Loren M. Lambert © November 23, 2009

Rights Are Inalienable To ALL – Even Those We Love To Hate

The rights that were made incarnate in the U.S. Constitution are not blessings to be bestowed upon only those deemed worthy by presidents or pundits.  They are not convenient benefits that must be obtained by purchase, birthright, baptism, or even proper behavior.  They are universal human rights.  Implementing these principles in our retribution against even those we accuse of terrorism, does not compromise our security. 

To the contrary.  Reinforcing our sacred belief in the following phrase (which some think Thomas Jefferson wrested from the mouth of God) enhances our security:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all [human beings] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

When this is no longer our creed, and is no longer a guide for our actions, we will be no better than the terrorists we are seeking to condemn.

Loren M. Lambert © November 22, 2009

Our Sacred Rights

Reinforcing our sacred belief in the following phrase enhances our security: 

“We hold these Truths to be self evident, that all [human beings] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” 

Some think that Thomas Jefferson wrested those words from the mouth of God.

Loren M. Lambert © November 22, 2009

Muslims Pushing For Blasphemy Ban

Here’s a headline in the Deseret News: "Muslim Countries Pushing For a Blasphemy Ban." Notice, it doesn't say “Arab” countries, but "Muslim” countries.

Are "Muslim" countries pushing for a ban on freedom of speech, the First Amendment, and on free will? By "Muslim," does the Deseret News mean the Muslims in those countries?

If we agree, do they want us to stone the blasphemers? In turn, will they agree to stone the U.S. flag burners?

Loren M. Lambert © November 20, 2009

Islam Will Only Earn Our Respect By Giving Light and Love– Not By Threatening Death and Destruction

Nations, religions, their symbols, and their leaders are not revered because we force all to bow down to them, but because they represent something that has earned our respect. Islam and its symbols will cease being the objects of "blasphemy" when they earn our respect by the light and love they emit – not by the wrath they threaten to unleash.

Loren M. Lambert © November 20, 2009

Endless Road Construction

The Third Reich of Utah does not bring you perpetual war, but perpetual road construction. Please enjoy it for many years beyond the end of the Mayan and/or Aztec calendars.

Loren M. Lambert © November 20, 2009

Prison or War Zone?

The world is run by poker players, not system analysts. Also, people in prison and in war zones learn not to feel too deeply. Are you in prison or a war zone? If it's not your obligation and duty, get out now!!!

Loren M. Lambert © November 19, 2009

Get Your Livin’ Done Before End of 2012!

The Aztec calendar ends in 2012, so get all your livin’ done by then, because they ain't making any more of dem Aztec calendars no more. We'll be staring into the whole of the Milky Way’s eternity. Should be fun!

Loren M. Lambert © November 11, 2009

U.S. Flight Attendants Have Changed Since the 1960s

During a recent trip, I made an interesting observation:

On American Airlines, the flight attendants were quite a diverse group – older, large, and some very cranky. On LAN Airlines of Chile, the flight attendants were young, female, attractive, very friendly, and even-tempered – like the "Come Fly With Me Days" of the 1960s.

Is the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), Title VII (of the Civil Rights Act, prohibiting discrimination) and ADEA (Age Discrimination in Employment Act) what we wanted?

LAN was nice, but I'll still prefer our diverse, cranky flight attendants.

Loren M. Lambert © November 10, 2009

Utah Legislature Gives Fringe Scientists Equal Weight On Climate Change

Eighteen BYU scientists rebuked the troglodyte Utah Legislature for giving fringe scientists equal weight to the "broad, scientific consensus that climate change is occurring largely because of human activities."

Hold it! Wait! Isn't Utah and its diaspora given to granting the lunatic fringe not only equal weight, but as much weight as we carry on our collective-freedom fry thighs and ice cream-bloated bellies?

Loren M. Lambert © November 8, 2009

Barefoot In The Steam Room Is Healthier

Because I “barefoot it” into the stream room, you gym rats give me slack. However, harass, no more!  A new study says that the protective foot gear you wear in the sauna area harbors 1000 times more bacteria because it all festers there with your foot inside, like the primordial soup, creating new and more virile microbes.

One such flipflop engendered a new fungi that ate off the small toe of its wearer in just 20 minutes. Beware!

Loren M. Lambert © November 8, 2009

The Foreign Airport Bathroom Attendant

I had my first experience with a bathroom attendant at a foreign airport. He opened stale doors for people and slapped down a stack of paper towels on a messy counter top for me to use and wanted a tip. It was uncomfortable and comical at the same time.

Would you tip him?

Loren M. Lambert © November 3, 2009

Learning Improv

Learning improv is like seventh grade all over again, only without the pimples and the virginity. It, therefore, leaves nothing to look forward to.

Loren M. Lambert © November 2, 2009

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight saving time is a jolt, not unlike winter's cold slap on the rear to remind us that all that darkness will soon be followed by a nice jolt of freezing cold. Can't we just scrap it, like Arizona and Hawaii, so we can pretend a little longer?

Loren M. Lambert © November 1,2009

Travel Lags

Jet lag, fun lag, and wanting-to-stay lag all seem to catch up at the same time. However, home has its moments.

Loren M. Lambert © October 27, 2009

Cold Drizzle Across My Cerebral Cortex

A cold drizzle is sweeping across my cerebral cortex. It’s such an odd sensation, with no skin, bone, or membrane to buffer the effect.

Loren M. Lambert © October 22, 2009

What’s Healthy & On-The-Go?

If you have five minutes to pick something at the store that's healthy to eat on-the-go, what do you all pick?

Loren M. Lambert © October 17, 2009

Dirty Cow’s Milk and Terrorist Attacks

I am very disappointed that I have ruined my taste for cow’s milk after several years of drinking soy, almond, and rice-based drinks. I mean, it tastes like it came out of a dirty udder, from a cow living in an overcrowded cesspool and then rotted and soured slightly.

Now, back to the news around the world: Another two dozen were blown up in terrorist attacks in Lahore Pakistan . . .

Loren M. Lambert © October 17, 2009

Haunted House Anxiety

I am worried sick about all the fake suffering and simulated torture that will be going on at all the haunted houses across this great nation.

Loren M. Lambert © October 14, 2009

Sea Swallowing Island

I heard about a nation on an island that is being swallowed by the sea. If we all mailed them just one brick, think of the good it would do.

Loren M. Lambert © October 13, 2009

Can Cool Jeans “Make the Man?”

I went to "Liberation" – a store run by a high school acquaintance. This store sells really nice pants and shirts!  However, if I put a pair of those pants on my ass, it would be like sticking several pasties on a pregnant pig, thinking the sow could do a pole dance.  It would be like slapping a hairpiece on a skull, so it could cop a date with Renee Zellweger.  There just comes a time in life when cool jeans cannot make the man.  Or, can they?

Loren M. Lambert © October 7, 2009

Only a Fool . . .

Only a fool takes offense when none is intended. Only a fool's fool expects the fulfillment of unspoken expectations.

Loren M. Lambert © October 6, 2009

On Listening

Listen with the intent of being influenced.

Loren M. Lambert © September 25, 2009

Obesity and the Expanding Universe

I just heard on the radio that obesity is contagious – even at long distances. It's all part of the expansion of the universe – inevitable. It’s not going to change until the universe rebounds.

Lest those of you ahead of the game get mad at me for saying this, I have no emotional attachment to the expanding universe, nor the shrinking one. It's all beautiful to me.

Loren M. Lambert © September 25, 2009

My “Atlas” Work of Art, Made From Gold’s Gym Q-Tips

Great news! Gold's Gym bought my "Atlas" work of art.

I used all the discarded gym Q-tips (gluing the cut tips onto canvas) to depict the Gold's Gym logo of "Atlas." (I glued the cut tips onto canvas.) I got tired of people sticking Q-tips into various body orifices and discarding them. So, I decided to make spent ear wax into art.
Look for this masterpiece at the fair, then at Gold's Gym's headquarters. Thanks, slobs, for making this possible!

Loren M. Lambert © September 16, 2009

Fruits of Nature

I am enjoying the fruits of nature's labors: peach nectar, with no slugs (that I am aware of)!  Now, it's off to bed.

Loren M. Lambert © September 11, 2009

On Teaching My Son a Lesson, I Let The TV “Have It!”

It sounded like the devil snarfing down a carcass. I crept downstairs, poked the gun barrel around the corner, and peered out. There he was! My son was tuned to CNN, listening to President Obama!!! I could have busted all four gaskets from my artificial Jarvik heart valves (if I had one).

"Step aside!” I barked. He did. Then, to teach my son a lesson, I let the television “have it!” There will be no TV in the Lambert household – just a gaping hole.

Loren M. Lambert © September 9, 2009

Horseman, Burglar, and Tasmanian

Dadgummit to Hankity Stankin Foodicund! !#$!#$@%! I pulled my son out of school so he didn't have his mind corrupted by the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse, yesterday.

I heard something late at night. I thought it was a burglar, so I tiptoed out with the 60mm machine gun I keep under my bed for such occasions. From my basement recreation room, I caught snatches of words sounding like they were being grunted up by a Tasmanian.

Loren M. Lambert © September 9, 2009

A Peach

There is nothing like the beauty, smell, and taste of a home-grown, milky-way-ripened peach, followed by the salty goodness of the still-beating heart of the slug that tried to eat it before I did. (Not to worry – the pesky slime ball didn't get very far.)

Loren M. Lambert © September 9, 2009

With Obama’s Speech Comes the Apocalypse

Well, the Apocalypse is now. With President Obama's speech and all, socialism is going to be breaking out all over the country.

Loren M. Lambert © September 8, 2009

“Be Wacked Out for a Day”

Given that it's national "Be Wacked Out for a Day," I'm going wacky! You should go wacky, too. Here’s how: You honor labor on Labor Day, then you give reverence to wild, abandoned wackiness.

To start, I'm going outside my door this very minute and I'm going to scream obscenities, curses, and then unwarranted blessings upon everyone passing by, while I’m dressed up like SpongeBob SquarePants. This should fun. I'll let you know.

Loren M. Lambert © September 8, 2009

Socialism and Capitalism

The radical socialist's socialism: The "government" does everything.

The rabid capitalist's capitalism: The "government" does nothing.

The radical socialist and the rabid capitalists' world: This is a living hell that has only been seen in dictatorships – whether in nations, states, communities, villages, businesses, or families.

It's all about freedom, balance, and liberty, folks. Don't forget that.

Loren M. Lambert © September 4, 2009

Pigeon Suicide?

It's rush hour traffic at 7200 South and the I-15 on-ramp.  A pigeon flies down (probably to get a tasty morsel from the road, or to attempt a suicide mission) and immediately gets a wing squashed by a mini coup driven by an old pigeon. I cringe at both the pain and the stupidity.

Don't be a pigeon and dive in for tasty morsels before the oncoming traffic in rush hour. Okay?

Loren M. Lambert © September 4, 2009

No One Should Die or Go Broke

No one should die because they cannot afford healthcare. No one should go broke because they get sick. If you agree, please post this as your status for the rest of the day.

Loren M. Lambert © September 3, 2009

Worst Paper Cut, Ever!

I suffered the worst paper cut, ever! To put it into perspective and give it its proper scale to appreciate, I’ll explain: If the same cut gouged a Mormon cricket head, the poor bugger would, at the very least, be lobotomized. At the worst, the cricket would be completely decapitated! The same cut on a gerbil would have required eighteen stitches! Are you with me now?  The gash this cut left could hold enough H1NI virus to incapacitate the entire free world!

Loren M. Lambert © September 1, 2009

Don’t Ask If You’re In a Hurry

Don't ever ask for someone's life story when you have to be somewhere in five minutes. Instead, ask them where the nearest exit is.

Loren M. Lambert © August 31, 2009


When you don't know what to say or where to go, just ramble. Rambling is the best way to get to where you need to be when you don't know where you are going or what to say. I'm the expert. I'm a rambler. 

Don't forget: The Rambler was once one of the most successful cars ever built!

Loren M. Lambert © August 29, 2009

Stop Knocking on Doors and Start Creating Your Own!

I'm tired of knocking and waiting for the door to open, so I'm just going to make my own  door, load it with stuff to open it, and just open it myself. Does any one have a problem with that?

Loren M. Lambert © August 27, 2009

Seize the Moment!

Climb all the mountains before they make new ones.

Loren M. Lambert © August 26, 2009

Broken Windshield and Zombie Glass Shards

My front windshield was broken with a rock while parked at West Valley City library. On the hood, I found a rock wrapped in a note that read, "As soon as I get my balls back and universal healthcare to sew them back on, you get your bike pants back."

Yeah, and as soon as you fix my windshield, I will call back the zombie glass shards that are headed toward your eyeballs. I don't know who you are, but the madness needs to stop.

Loren M. Lambert © August 16, 2009

Depraved People Are Often Products Of the System It Creates Them To Be

Is not the degree of compassion shown, directly proportional to the depravity of the person upon which it is bestowed? Yes, the release of the Lockerbie terrorist was a great act of compassion, even while it may have also been a great travesty of justice. However, our anger and hate should mostly be directed at the system, not at the individual it created him to be.

Loren M. Lambert © August 23, 2009

New Dreams

A new night, to fill with new dreams, to forget by morning where you left your keys.

Loren M. Lambert © August 19, 2009

While Riding My Bike

Why do we make everything into a religion?

Why, while I'm riding my bike, do people who yell at me look like they have an average IQ of 50? Why are they usually driving cars held together with duct tape and bailing wire? Is it because they are finally going faster than their dead pet turtle?

Loren M. Lambert © August 13, 2009

Cash for Clunkers

Has anybody cashed in on the “Cash for Clunkers” program?

Dang! First, they give a tax break for buying an SUV, and then they pay you to turn it in. Where's the reward for doing the smart thing in the first place?

Loren M. Lambert © August 10, 2009

Kids Wreak Havoc In Bank

Yesterday, an oblivious father was attending to his banking while his two kids wreaked havoc in the waiting area, upending garbage baskets and yanking up all those chained pens. When he was done, the proud father summoned his prodigy, and without a moment’s thought, left.

Last night, those same kids appeared in my dreams, with guns to rob that same bank. Don't be oblivious parents! I'll sleep better.

Loren M. Lambert © August 7, 2009

Where To Buy Biking Clothing?

To the sniveling, pathetic patsy who stole my biking pants from Gold’s Gym: Beware! The crotch is possessed by an evil female banshee who, while she may have been pacified by the civilizing comfort of sharing my precious jewels with my bike seat, she will go after you!

Now that that’s off my chest, does anyone recommend any place you can buy good biking clothing that doesn’t cause a run on my bank and eventually collapse the entire U.S. banking system?

Loren M. Lambert © August 5, 2009

Earth Stewardship

Why do you all get so incensed about trying to prove or disprove global warming? Can't we all agree we are doing a poor job at taking care of mother earth/God's creation/the big bang's burp and just work toward making it as nice a place as possible for all living things?

Loren M. Lambert © July 16, 2009

Metal Massage and Industrial Pampering

I am off to scramble my  brains in a tire shredder. Then, I will have my toenails clipped by an industrial lawnmower. Next, I will have my hair styled by an apache helicopter. And, to finish off my day, I will enjoy a relaxing knife blade massage from Edward Scissorhands.

Loren M. Lambert © July 15, 2009

Plumbing Practice In An Emergency

In an emergency at the next door neighbor’s house, I practiced plumbing without a license. Happily, we got the water off and the leak to stop.  I think we’re good if that valve we turned, not knowing what it did, doesn’t explode tonight.

Loren M. Lambert © July 12, 2009

Peanut Butter, Kool-Aid, & Kid Time

On a happy note: The price peanut butter dropped by five cents, on average, today. This could be a good time to re-embrace that childhood favorite and wash it down with Kool-Aid.

Loren M. Lambert © July 11, 2009

Chavez’ Land Limitations

I may agree with Congressman Jason Chavez’s goals. However, I find it interesting that as we (Utahns, in general) think this land offers unlimited capacity to torrents of humanity, our good rep (Chavez) wants to limit who fills that void.

Loren M. Lambert © July 11, 2009

Fight Flashbacks!

I had to call 911 when I saw a fight in progress.  Big dudes, outside of a bar, were beating up a little guy with a limp, trying to walk away.  First, I dialed “801-911.” Silly me!  It’s just “911.” 

Seeing this caused flashbacks to my own broken nose experience. 

I should have snapped a photo!

Loren M. Lambert © July 9, 2009

I Fixed the Stove with Minimal Swearing!

I managed to replace the stove top, averaging only one, “second-tier, B-list” swear word every 13.5 minutes, with no “first-tier” swear words at all. And the darn thing works to boot! Yes!!!

Now, if the house doesn't burn down next few days, we’ll call it good.

Loren M. Lambert © July 5, 2009

Hell Hath No Remedy For a Man . . .

Most people have heard the quote about a woman’s fury (“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”).  Here’s one about a man’s remedy:

“Hell hath no remedy for a man, his chosen beverage, and his favorite past time, whatever that may be.”

No, I don’t know any men like this.  I am always open to any remedies, calls to repentance, and invitations to group anonymous meetings.

Loren M. Lambert © July 23, 2009

Hell Hath No Furry Like a Woman . . .

Hell hath no fury like a woman who invents a reason to scorn you.  For example: “If you dare take one more breath for the next 24 hours, you don’t love me.”

Fortunately, no woman like this has ever been in my life.  All the women I have known (several of you) have loved me unconditionally.

Loren M. Lambert © July 23, 2009

Basswood Flowers

I wish the smell of basswood flowers could be as sweet as memories make them.

Loren M. Lambert © July 22, 2009

Chanterelle Futures

I just invested my last two paychecks in Chanterelle, Morel and Diamond-Puff-Ball futures, and I have already doubled my money! At least one sector of the economy is booming with no end in sight.

Loren M. Lambert © July 18, 2009

Going Smart Green

I want to start a movement among businesses and homeowners to stop feeding our grass copious amounts of chemicals and water. We could just all agree to keep it wacked and under control, and we could have a designated green lawn here and there for the kids to play on.

Loren M. Lambert © July 15, 2009

The Blame We Heap On Others

Often, the fault we heap upon the heads of others is nothing more than a slick trick of self-deception to deflect attention from the things we can change to the things we cannot, and to thereby defer responsibility for our own bad choices.

Loren M. Lambert © July 13, 2009

Swine Flu

Darn it! Can't we come up with our own Swine flu? We're in America, for heck sakes!!!

Loren M. Lambert © April 27, 2009

Legal Illogic

I'm about to reconcile the "continuing violation doctrine" with the "discrete acts rule" and the "the paycheck issuance pursuant to a discriminatory standard rule." After that, it will be easy to reconcile quantum mechanics, the theory of relativity, and the Manchurian recipe puzzle.

Loren M. Lambert © May 7, 2009

Loren’s Life Cycle

Help me get this monstrongantulopolus legal memorandum out of the way, so I can enjoy the blossoming trees, balmy spring, and get ready for the next project.

Loren M. Lambert © May 5, 2009 

Bin Laden Threatens Flu Bugs

Although it can't be confirmed, yet, Osama Bin Ladin is claiming that he personally unleashed the Swine Flu upon the west. He is threatening to unleash the Dog Flu next month, and then Donkey Flu the next, etc., if we don't leave Afghanistan.

Where does this guy get off?!

Loren M. Lambert © April 27, 2009

Miracles Happen!

Sometimes – cancer disappears; kids clean up after themselves; Kobie Bryant shoots a few bricks; and the Utah Jazz does pretty darn good, cheats fate, and wins.

Awe – miracles happen!

Loren M. Lambert © April 23, 2009

Deciding To Run The Snake River

I'm thinking that it was probably good to see Shoshone Falls before I decide to run the length of the Snake River, in Idaho. It's going to be a long portage by myself. If only I had one of those elphin canoes; then it could almost portage itself.

Loren M. Lambert © April 13, 2009

To Caretakers

For all you caretakers:

Remember, you are only required to lead the horse to water, not to make him/her drink.

Loren M. Lambert © April 12, 2009

Too Much On My Mind

Way, way too much is on my mind. Let’s try to get it off my mind.

Maybe a lint brush would work – or duct tape, or an industrial can opener and power wash.

Loren M. Lambert © April 7, 2009

Conservative vs. Liberal

A conservative stays up late worrying that some welfare cheat is receiving an undeserved bounty of benefits.

A liberal stays up late worrying that some child and her disabled veteran father have been disenfranchised and are freezing under a blanket of snow.

Loren M. Lambert © April 4, 2009

Snow World

I can't wait to see Kevin Costner's new film, Snow World, where everyone has sled dogs and they ski from ice hole to ice hole to fight over blubber scraps.

Loren M. Lambert © April 23, 2009

Perspective From Heights

I am on the peak. Such a rewarding sensation!

Now, I strive to bring the view to perfection as I descend to comforts of good company below.

Loren M. Lambert © March 20, 2009

Live In The Today!

You can't do tomorrow's flossing, today. Those who overlook this reality may miss out on many a precious moment.

Loren M. Lambert © March 20, 2009

Fish Are Gone

Ninety percent of the big fish of the ocean are gone (cod, tuna, etc.).  Instead of “country week” on American Idol, maybe they could have “big fish week.”

Just a thought.

Loren M. Lambert © March 18, 2009

Words Of Swami On Flatulence

I take solace in the words of the great Swami R. Guru who said, "A man is not the sum total of his lifetime of flatulence, but a woman is whole ‘nother ball game."

Loren M. Lambert © March 14, 2009

I Stole My Life From The Wrong Man

I have come to the startling realization that I have stolen my life from the wrong man who refuses to take it back, or to buy my confession.

Loren M. Lambert © March 8, 2009

Bathed in Snow

I long to be bathed in the snow that is blown in the spring winds, within the valley of Lone Peak's lofty shadow.

Loren M. Lambert © March 8, 2009

Sinking In Expectations

I am sinking in the weight of another's superimposed unrealizable expectations. Please toss me a Mae West life vest.

Loren M. Lambert © March 5, 2009

Sweeping a Flood

I am sweeping a flood through a strangulated synapsis. I'll be a while.

Loren M. Lambert © February 26, 2009

New Snow & Gauzy Clouds

I am pondering how new snow upon twin peaks and a blustering day with a spattering of gauzy clouds can make one's vision sharper. So beautiful!

Loren M. Lambert © February 20, 2009

Amazing Screenplay Coming!

I am finalizing a screenplay that is going to knock everything that has ever been written in Utah out of the water. No kidding!

Loren M. Lambert © February 15, 2009

Running Naked Through a Beehive

I am conditioning my skin and body to resist killer bee stings and will let you know when I’m ready to run naked through the hive.

Loren M. Lambert © February 14, 2009 

Your Yard: Xeriscape vs. Landscape?

I hiked with my family today. Isn't it amazing how the wild forest seems to obtain the balance of towering trees, scattered bushes, and a velvety green ground cover, without a 24/7 gardener, and a set of water sprinklers?

We should all throw off the shackles of a British Isle lawn garden and fashion a native Utah xeriscape.

Loren M. Lambert © June 28, 2008

Backyard Sparrow

Dreaming is the lazy artist’s way to realization. Two nights ago, I finally figured out what to do for my project for my Utah Master's Naturalist course. You'll all have to wait as I write it, but it will be fun.

In Spokane, I've been listening to the bachelor song sparrow that has stalked out my brother-in-law's backyard for its territory. It is so fascinating! It's songs are very different from those I've heard the resident males in my backyard sing. I need to get a picture of this guy to verify I've identified him correctly.

Loren M. Lambert © June 7, 2008

Grass Triggers Hay Fever

Blades of grass contain a chemical that, when cut while mowing, not only triggers hay fever (actually, grass fever [farmers get hay fever, hicks get “hey” fever]), but speeds up the balding process and causes impotency, and then sterility. Really. Look it up!

So, when you see all those green lawns in your neighborhood, don't be too envious.

It is now off to try to will myself to sleep. Nighty night ozone!

Loren M. Lambert © May 23, 2008

Spider Photoshoot

Sometimes “the best” comes right to you when you least expect it. And tonight, it did: I saw the most gorgeous spider I have ever seen, trying to get out of my kitchen sink! 

She got out, but not before I forced her (without pay, make up and hair expert, or bottled water) to pose for several dozen photos with my macro lens. This beautiful creature was mottled brown with tiny gold spots covering her body, a bright red shield on her arrow-shaped abdomen, and a yellow jewel above her many eyes.

Oh, if spiders could kiss! "Darling, when I peer into your many compound and single eyes, it almost makes me forget your hideous mandibles and I could almost swoon. Ooooch! Why did you do that?"

Loren M. Lambert © July 18, 2008

Hold Up a Beacon, Not a Flamethrower

I saw my oldest son off on an LDS mission, along with one of his college buddies – two great young men! The world will be no worse for the wear by having their righteous zeal unleashed upon it.

Though the years and divergent choices have tarnished my own religious fervor, I believe the LDS religion is a good way to live if you can do it, and do it with unfeigned love and understanding for all. That's the key: living well, but not lording it over those of different bent. The key is to be truly Christlike – to hold up a beacon to follow, instead of a flamethrower to condemn with. Unfortunately, many turn that light of truth on its side and blithely blaze away, crisping their fellow men.

Loren M. Lambert © June 28, 2008

Let’s “Go Desert!” Reject Laborious Lawns!

Here I am. 

I can't sleep. 

I’ve no where to go, and I’m waiting for all the hustle and bustle to start on my short. So much anticipation now, so much sleepy-headedness tomorrow.

In my Utah Master Naturalist class, we are learning which important Utah resources need preservation. The more I learn, the more depressed I get about what we will all be missing as the years go by, because it all seems a little pointless without talking about the big bugaboo: population growth and the evil of green lawns.

Seriously, we need to all enter a pact to “go desert,” so we won't feel the urge to compete. If everyone has a yard full of weeds, then no one gets hurt. Right? Then again, with a yard full of weeds, and more time on our hands – boom! The birthrate will skyrocket and we'll be back where we started.

Did you all know, several studies have shown that people who have nice, green, well-manicured lawns have sex about 30 percent less than their neighbors who have weedy, out-of-control, patchy lawns?

Loren M. Lambert © May 23, 2008

The Challenge of Casting Getting Ahead

As some of you may know, I am in the process of filming Getting Ahead. It is an exciting process! I love the energy and elan that those who venture into the creative realm bring to bear. It is a force with which to be reckoned!

The hardest challenge was casting. For all who have done this, you will understand that among the many who need more training are the many who are so great that you wish you had the time, budget, and script to reward them with a role.

Doing the auditions made me anxious, because the enthusiasm and desire of those auditioning to achieve casting was almost as great as the despair and desperation as those of the world needing food and water. We have a great responsibility to show appreciation of all who come to petition for a place at our table. I am so grateful for those who came. I guess the best way to thank them is to make sure that I position myself and produce a product that will allow us to continue to film additional projects.

Loren M. Lambert © May 4, 2008

Monday, September 3, 2018

President Trump Is Testament That All (I Mean, All!) Can Aspire To Be President

This was overheard at parent/teacher conference (names are omitted):

Teacher: “I know your son wanted a reference letter from me to apply to be an intern with Senator Lee in D.C. this summer.”

Parent: “That’s right, he has great political aspirations.”

Teacher: “I have to be frank. He hasn’t been completing his assignment, his test scores are in the D+ to C- range, he has poor communication skills with a limited vocabulary, and he is disruptive in class.”

Parent: “I know. Isn’t that great! You’ll be recommending him then, right?”

Teacher: “Are you serious?”

Parent: “Yes. He’s perfect for politics.”

Teacher: “He’s this close to failing and acts like he’s three!”

Parent: “So. President Trump’s closest friends, advisers, associates, and allies say he’s semi-illiterate, a moron, a dope, an idiot, a troll, a child, lazy, incompetent, and a sexual predator. My son gets an "A" in all those areas. What’s the problem?”

Teacher: “Oh, boy. You’re right. Apparently none, but like a few other brave souls, I will not engage in treason.”

Parent: “What?”

Teacher: “It’s a metaphor–no recommendation.”

Loren M. Lambert © January 5, 2018

World War III (Cyber Conflict?)

This current cyber conflict is World War III, and the most dire reality is that those who are allied to destroy our freedom are Russia, our president, and his allies (including a lot of our own government and institutions who support him).

It is not foreign armies, navies, air-forces, or even nuclear weapons that we should fear most, but the ability of a small minority, empowered by an alliance between two zealous, fear-ridden, and ignorant groups of US citizens: white supremacists and Christian authoritarians at all levels of our society, who feel dis-empowered due to their waning influence and their belief that imposing their views is justified by any means.

If you love democracy, care about freedom, are opposed to authoritarianism, and you don't want to see the authoritarian right and their Russian enablers engineer the Talibanization of our country, please urge everyone you know to watch The Trump/Russian Connection For Dummies, by CNN.

Loren M. Lambert © January 5, 2018

Sometimes We Need Reminders of the Racism of The Recent Past

Here was the marriage law of Utah in 1939 (I need to research when it changed – probably much later):


Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah:

Section I. Section 40-1-2, revised statutes of Utah, 1933, as amended - by chapter 50, laws of Utah, 1939, is amended to read:

The following marriages are prohibited and declared void:

1. With ... a person subject to chronic epileptic fits; provided, that the last disqualification shall not apply to any male or female who has been sterilized.
5. Between a negro and a white person.
6. Between a Mongolian, member of the Malay race or a mulatto, quadroon, or octoroon, and a white person.

Loren M. Lambert © January 8, 2018

Pursuit of Beauty

The pursuit of beauty is its own reward.

Loren M. Lambert © January 8, 2018

Whole Foods

Studies show that even if you don't buy anything in Whole Foods Market, you will feel 20 percent more sexy, cheerful, glamorous, and healthy if you spend just 10 minutes walking around the store – especially past the Artisan soaps.

Loren M. Lambert © January 11, 2018

Leaked Secret Republican Talks Against President Trump

The Associated Press reports that Republican leadership is holding secret discussions regarding a new NASA breakthrough in time travel that would allow a quick journey to Mars.

When discussing how they would use it, they decided that instead of going to Mars, they wanted to figure out a way to historically erase President Trump's ascendance to the presidency.

Senator Ted Cruise indicated that President Trump’s grandparents immigrated from Kallstadt, Pfalz, Germany in 1892. At that point, Senator Chuck Grassley, who's family originated from England, stated, "Why did we ever let people immigrate to here from that, sh _ th _ le?"

A unanimous resolution was then passed in which NASA's time travel breakthrough would be used to prevent immigration from Kallstadt, Pfalz, Germany in 1892.

Loren M. Lambert © January 12, 2018

Loving Life On The Edge

I know more about edges than any human being that’s lived!  I always like coming up to the edge of everything: life, death, happiness, wealth, pain, poverty, love, hate, success, failure – but no further.

Loren M. Lambert © January 12, 2018

Remember Simple Math Skills

Remember your simple math skills: A gain in one area and an equivalent loss in another maintains the status quo. So, give both optimism and pessimism their rounds in the arena before declaring one or the other the victor.

(This is obvious, but so keenly ignored by even the poli-evangelists and their acolytes.)

Loren M. Lambert © January 18, 2018

When A Governmental Mistake Causes Loss

Who should pay in the following situation in which the government goofs and makes a false accusation?

The government accuses a citizen of a DUI, when all he has is a speech impediment and some fine-motor-skill difficulties (not major muscle movement problems, like steering). Then, due to the DUI charges, he incurs expenses for an impounded vehicle, loss of his driver’s license, and attorney’s fees, which are eventually cleared when the blood testing returns showing he is clean of all substances, as he claimed (to the cops) would be the case.

Loren M. Lambert © January 19, 2018

Relative Morality = Relative Condemnation

Relative morality is equal to relative condemnation. However, some hypocritically decry the former and embrace the latter. Therefore, they are complicit to both.

Loren M. Lambert © January 22, 2018

East Jerusalem

This has been a difficult decision, but I have decided to recognize East Jerusalem as the Palestinian Capitol. I have also determined that until Israel ceases new settlements in Palestinian territory, I am withholding my tax money that subsidizes it's existence.

Loren M. Lambert © January 25, 2018

Simple Math

If the president gives the American public a $10 million tax break and increases the deficit by $20 million, what is the end result? How and when will that have to be paid?

If your employer gives you a bonus of $1,000 and your healthcare expenses go up $2,000, are you better off?

If your income rises two percent and inflation rises three percent, are you better off?

If your income rises two percent and the cost of housing rises at four percent, are you better off?

Loren M. Lambert © January 27, 2018

A Confessed Suspected Murderer Is Released

“A suspected murderer, who publicly confessed his crimes, is released when a Trump-appointed judge dismisses charges because it was discovered, in intercepted emails, that the police investigators and prosecutors described the defendant as depraved, moronic, and evil. The judge said that this tainted the prosecution and he wrote, in a one-page ruling:  'All suspected law breakers deserve to have apolitical, lobotomized, opinion-less automatons working on their cases.' The prosecution said they would not appeal out of fear for their jobs."

This could be a real news article in Trumpland.

Loren M. Lambert © January 28, 2018

Judge Allows Case To Be Tried Solely With Memo From the Prosecution About The Evidence

If a judge allowed a defendant to be tried based on the prosecution's memo about the evidence only, and barred the defense from putting on any evidence or releasing their own memo about the evidence, would you be okay with that?

Loren M. Lambert © January 29, 2018

New Granite School District Policy Makes It Easier For Teachers To Issue Grades

In the interest of transparency and full disclosure, students in Granite Schools will no longer have to show their work, complete home work, or take any tests, according to a news report I saw. They will be graded based on a memo that their chosen representative provides at the end of each semester. This can be a parent, guardian, classmate or Russian education specialist facilitator.

Loren M. Lambert © January 31, 2018

Breaking News: President Trump Slashes Portion of Speech Honoring FBI Agents Who Uncovered Russian Mafia Plot To Influence Election

After vetting his State of the Union address with Russian Kleptocrat Putin, President Trump deleted this from his speech:

We also have, here, FBI Agent Steven Green. Can you please stand up?  Look at him. What a courageous patsy and patriot – I don't know – one of those, whatever.

Single-handedly, he brought to justice a vicious gang of Russian mafia criminals whose NSA no-travel orders I had accidentally waived, and who (along with local traitors) perpetrated criminal acts to help me get elected, probably working with people who infiltrated my campaign by pretending to like me. 

My only misgiving in granting him this praise is that I thought I was inviting a nice, white, gay of Nordic heritage, instead of a black American with s-hole origins. But, we'll just have to wait and see if we hold that against him, won't we? We'll see.

To show our appreciation, we are going to publicly humiliate him, speak behind his back on Fox News, and reward him with an early retirement. Give it up for TJ!

Loren M. Lambert © January 31, 2018

Giving Paul Ryan and David Nunes The Benefit of the Doubt (Does it Matter?)

Does law enforcement (state or fed)ever act, at times, overzealously and violate rights to get a warrant or a confession? Yes.  How do we know this? Because we know that judges throw out, on the basis of a constitutional violation, evidence that was obtained in an attempt to get convictions.

I have successfully made several such challenges (against evidence obtained by warrants, or against confessions obtained illegally) in my career. But the process allows both parties to obtain the evidence and make arguments thereon.

What’s interesting about such challenges is that, usually, the American public (especially the conservative public) gets very upset when someone “gets off” when a constitutional violation is found and the evidence is suppressed. It is amusing that this same group is poised to accept, as gospel, Congress Rep. Nunez and the White Houses' memo alleging such over-reaching to get political coverage for our criminal-in-chief, President Donald Trump.

Are police agents, prosecutors, and other law enforcement ‘biased’ against those they pursue? Yes, more often than not. Can that bias cause injustice? Yes, at times. However, the facts still have to stand on their own; and bias, or prosecutorial over-reaching, or conflicts of interest, rarely, if ever, can be used to justify a dismissal. If at all (and if shown), it usually only leads to a replacement of the prosecutor.

What the ever-diminishing group of Trump supporters are incapable of grasping is that the vast majority hold bad opinions of Trump because he is deserving of our opprobrium and disdain. This is what most thinking human beings think of him. This same disdain is even held by those he has chosen as his loyal confidants. Why does it come as a shock to them that an FBI agent, who is entitled to his or her opinion, may think the same?

That is true of most prosecutions. Judges do not stop criminal proceedings just because the police, investigators, and prosecutors called the suspected pedophile a moron or a reprobate.

It should, likewise, be of little concern to the American Public, Paul Ryan, or Mitch McConnell that some FBI agents don’t like President Trump. They themselves, at times, have expressed disdain for him. The only reason they pretend to be upset with opinionated FBI agents is that it is politically expedient to do so.

The predominant concern we all should have is over the manipulation of the process, and that the facts stand on their own when they are presented to an impartial tribunal.

Loren M. Lambert © February 1, 2018

Criminal Defendant Fights Back, Because He’s a Fighter. Yeah, Baby!!!

Upon hearing President Trump say that it is not a crime to fight back when one is being investigated for a crime, a certain criminal defendant “fought back” by getting rid of some inconvenient evidence and some “persecutors,” both animate and inanimate.

When this is actual news, it will be another great example of what our criminal-in-chief, President Trump, and the great Make-America-Great-Again leadership is providing this nation.

Loren M. Lambert © February 1, 2018

Throwing Out Warrants and Subpoenas

Virtually no warrant could be requested if it were a valid basis to throw out a warrant or subpoena (or to claim the officials requesting it engaged in misconduct) when those who the police relied upon for their information to obtain a warrant had some known personal animus, bias, or motivation to report suspected criminal conduct. 

Think it through. I know you can do it. Use those noggins.

Loren M. Lambert © February 2, 2018

The Greatest Showman (We Have Now Made America Great Again. President Trump's Mission Is Over.)

I went to see The Greatest Showman and realized this is what Trump was talking about. (The movie brought to life P.T. Barnum’s creation of his "Greatest Show on Earth: the Barnum & Bailey Circus.")

Now, we have made America great again by having PT Barnum return – this time, to the silver screen. It's a great film! It has made America great, again.

The second-rate showman, President DT, may now ride off into the sunset and build that hotel in Moscow he has been dreaming of.  There, he may stay, close to the men he admires most: Putin, Antonov, and Lenin's ghost.

Loren M. Lambert © February 3, 2018

Super Bowl or Ocean Corral?

Which is most important:

1) The Eagles won the Super Bowl, or 2) There is a mass die-off of corral in all the world’s oceans?

To which do most Americans give more thought?

Why should we care about one, or the other?

Loren M. Lambert © February 4, 2018

Another "Conservative" Value: Multi-Million Dollar Military Parades – a la Soviet, Communist, and Fascist Traditions

Our beloved leader, President Donald Trump, has ordered the Pentagon to organize a military arms parade so he can gloat and show off to “Vladi.” This is what communist and fascist dictators do. It will cost American taxpayers millions. I just love the "conservative" values that Trump and his pathetic patsies are foisting upon our nation.

Loren M. Lambert © February 6, 2018

A Pleasure to Work in This Film: The American Prophet

I had the pleasure to work in the film, The American Prophet, wherein I chopped wood and scowled several times at Joseph Smith who, despite my characters' objections, eloped with daughter, Emma.

It was wonderful to work with the producer, director, talent and crew, and to be on-set in this film. They were all such great people. And, since I have scowled my whole life, I was well-suited for the roll.

Loren M. Lambert © February 7, 2018

The Strength of a Country Requires Vigilance

The strength of a country is reflected through its vigorous art, cultural, and sports industry.  Unfortunately, the failure of our consciousness, our education system, and our understanding of our own viability is demonstrated in that most do not know that our world is dying, and that we will follow.

It’s all about balance.

Enjoy your entertainment, but don’t be oblivious to the peril at your door.

Loren M. Lambert © February 9, 2018

The Ancient Roman Secret to Buff Bodies Worthy of Statuary

Have we rediscovered the ancient Roman secret to buff bodies worthy of statuary?  Yes, through whipping ropes!

That is why all athletes, of any stature, whip those ropes. (Of course, we aren't as barbaric as the Romans, so we don't whip animate beings.) Surely, you've seen them whipping those huge ropes at the gym.

Too bad we didn't figure out this form of exercise when we (Baby Boomers) were at the top of “our game” or we, too, could have been amazing. Instead, the best we could do to beef up our bodies was do aerobics with Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons – not a Roman tradition.

Loren M. Lambert © February 10, 2018

Beautiful and Disastrous Competition

I love Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski. My son pointed out that they reminded him of the announcers in the “Hunger Games,” and I went to compare it, but someone beat us to the punch by posting a picture of the two couples side-by-side.

Watching skating competitions seems almost as beautiful and as disastrous (granted, artistically disastrous when they fall) as those fights to the death in the movie, Hunger Games. (I love Hunger Games!)

Loren M. Lambert © February 11, 2018

Tough Auditions!

No awards, nor roles, for great auditions. It takes much more. It's a very challenging blood sport!

Loren M. Lambert © February 13, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day

Eat a chocolate. Lift a weight. Run a span. Stretch a muscle. Bestow a blessing. Place a call. Display some kindness. Lessen a burden. Trade a smile. Give a hug. Take a kiss; and breathe deeply.

Loren M. Lambert © February 14, 2018

The Solutions To Everything

All we need is a little T&P on that and a little WD-40 on that. Problems solved. Move on.

Loren M. Lambert © February 15, 2018

The BYU Trump Effect

I attended a BYU modern dance performance this week and I loved it!

Usually, there are never political or dark themes. However, this year they performed two pieces that were political and two others that dealt, tangentially, with heartache.

As to the political pieces: One concerned oppression, and the other illustrated an expression about how a single person's misrepresentations, weaponized fear, and emotional hysteria can wreak havoc, death, and destruction upon a community.

Thank you, President Trump, for inspiring BYU's dancer to show the depth of its tool box and its great emotional range.

Loren M. Lambert © February 16, 2018

The Joy of Being a River Guide

When I first became a river guide, it was more about the excitement I felt learning how to harness the power of the river, exhilarating in its beauty.

Then, I truly started to love (most of all!) being the guide – for others – into this stunningly dynamic and enriching world, and seeing their joy as they traveled on that living, breathing, and vibrant being, known as the Snake River.

Loren M. Lambert © February 18, 2018

Odd Bedfellows: Trump Voters and Anti-Gun Regulation Advocates

One of the strongest arguments for maintaining the legal status for citizens to acquire the most firepower possible (i.e. assault weapons) under the second amendment, is for the purpose of overthrowing an authoritarian dictatorship.

However, those who shout with the loudest voices for this position are the same individuals who voted for a man who is the greatest threat to democracy and the rule of law since King George and President Andrew Jackson: President Donald Trump.

It's almost like they want to make sure they will have the opportunity to use that dearly purchased firepower.

Unfortunately, I suspect that a percentage of them would use that firepower not to overthrow President Trump, if he were to defy the rule of law and seek to set himself up as a dictator, but to aid him in that endeavor, should he attempt to advance it.

We all have this apocryphal notion that a vocally aggressive and armed populace will always chose the best government for the most people. Sadly, that is simply not the case.

Loren M. Lambert © February 21, 2018

Paid Acting Competition & Simultaneous Audition

$100 dollars will go to the winning partner and/or two best actors!

On Sunday, March 4, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Ozone Productions, LLC, and owner and moderator Loren Lambert are hosting a friendly scene competition for a maximum of up to eight partners (non-gender specific, about 16 participants) at 266 E. 7200 S., Midvale, Utah. There is no participation cost. Doors open at 2 p.m.

If, however, more than 16 participants indicate interest, Ozone Productions will select from those actors who apply.  If interested, email If you know that Loren Lambert has not observed your acting, please include a headshot and resume.

Scenes authored by Loren Lambert (3-4 pages long, both dramatic and comedic) will be assigned. Partner preferences will be considered, but not guaranteed. You have the option of asking for a different scene if, for whatever reason, you and your partner find the scene or subject matter unappealing. The scenes are approximately PG to G rated, but a few concern controversial subjects and include both dramatic and comedic scenes. You may adjust language.

Judging will be conducted in a manner to minimize favoritism.

Loren M. Lambert © February 21, 2018

Trump Administration DeparturesEach departure tells a story – that President Trump is incompetent, corrupt, and a traitor.

Here is a list of individuals who resigned under pressure in Trump’s administration:

Michael Flynn- National security adviser. Days with administration: 23. Ostensibly fired for having misled Vice President Pence about his conversations with the Russian ambassador.

Katie Walsh- Deputy chief of staff. Days with administration: 68. Moved out of administration to work for a pro-Trump PAC.

K.T. McFarland- Deputy national security adviser. Days with administration: 118. Pushed out following power shift under McMaster.

Tera Dahl- Deputy chief of staff, NSC. Days with administration: 166. Reassigned following power shift under McMaster.

Michael Short- Assistant press secretary. Days with administration: 185. Scaramucci told media that Short would be fired.

Reince Priebus- Chief of staff. Days with administration: 188. Resigned in favor of Kelly.

Ezra Cohen-Watnick-  Senior director, NSC. Days with administration: 188. Resigned following power shift under McMaster.

Stephen K. Bannon- Chief strategist. Days with administration: 209. Bannon left after giving a negative interview to American Prospect.

Sebastian Gorka- Deputy assistant. Days with administration: 211. Butted heads with Kelly.

William Bradford- Director, Energy. Days with administration: About 120. Past racist comments were made public.

Tom Price- Director of Health and Human Services. Days with administration: 232. Under fire for taking expensive charter flights.

Jamie Johnson- Director, DHS. Days with administration: About 230. Past racist comments were made public.

Carl Higbie- Chief of external affairs, Corporation for National and Community Service. Days with administration: 153. Past racist comments were made public.

Omarosa Manigault-Director of communications, Office of Public Liaison. Days with administration: 364. Resigned to “pursue other opportunities.” Now stars on CBS’s “Big Brother.”

Taylor Weyeneth- Deputy chief of staff, Office of Drug Control Policy. Days with administration: About 340. Questions about experience and details on résumé.

Rob Porter- Staff secretary. Days with administration: 385. Allegations of spousal abuse became public.

Here is a list of individuals who proactively resigned:

Michael Dubke- Communications director. Days with administration: 89. Personal reasons.

Walter Shaub- Director of Office of Government Ethics. Days with administration: 181. Concern over ethics rules.

Mark Corallo- Legal team spokesman. Days with administration: 59. Apparently concerned about handling of Trump Tower story.

Sean Spicer- Press secretary. Days with administration: 181. Uncomfortable with hiring of Scaramucci.

Elizabeth Southerland- Director, EPA. Days with administration: 193. Disagreement with direction of department.

Carl Icahn- Special adviser. Days with administration: 211. Resigned in advance of an article about conflicts of interest.

George Sifakis- Public liaison director. Days with administration: 204. Sifakis was an ally of Priebus.

Maliz Beams- Counselor, State. Days with administration: 97. Reported differences with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Elizabeth Shackelford- Political officer, State. Days with administration: 323. Disagreement with direction of department.

Paul Winfree- Deputy director. Days with administration: 330. Returning to Heritage Foundation
Dina Powell- Deputy national security adviser. Days with administration: 304. Personal reasons.

Jeremy Katz- Deputy director, NEC. Days with administration: About 340. Personal reasons.

Thomas Shannon- Under secretary of state for political affairs. Days with administration: 385 and counting. (Resignation announced, but not yet in force.) Personal reasons.

John Feeley- Ambassador to Panama. Days with administration: 385 and counting. Disagreement with administration.

Rick Dearborn- Deputy chief of staff. Days with administration: 383 and counting. Joining private sector.

Here is a list of individuals who were fired:

Sally Yates- Deputy attorney general. Days with administration: 11. Refused to enforce Trump’s entry ban.

Preet Bharara- U.S. attorney. Days with administration: 51. Part of purge of U.S. attorneys.

James B. Comey-  FBI director. Days with administration: 110. Allegedly pressured by Trump to scale down investigations.

Rich Higgins- Director, NSC. Days with administration: 176. Fired after writing a conspiracy-filled memo.

Derek Harvey- Senior director, NSC. Days with administration: 182. Fired following power shift under national security adviser H.R. McMaster.

Anthony Scaramucci- Communications director. Days with administration: 11. Fired by Kelly.

Angella Reid

“We have the best people. [That’s why they are prosecuted, or I have to fire them, or I have to hide the truth.]” ~President Donald Trump, Tweeter-In-Chief

Loren M. Lambert © February 21, 2018

Bad Excuses

A billionaire who claims he's a political neophyte, as an excuse for bad judgment, is like a fart begging forgiveness for stinking because it came out of a supermodel's rear.

Loren M. Lambert © February 22, 2018

Being Fitted For Those Who Are Fitted For You

One of Euclid’s five, general axioms advises us: “[They] that are equal to the same things are equal to each other.”

Apparently, President Lincoln recognized this as a universal truth, not just applicable to inanimate objects, but to all things, instructing that all races, creeds, and colors stand equal to the travails of life and have the capacity for greatness.

It is also a good measure of what brings equality to a relationship.

Be equal to the same things that those you want to be with are equal to, and you will be equal with them.

Loren M. Lambert © February 24, 2018

That Root of the Problem Is the Number, Convenience, and Lethality of Guns

Lambert’s Immutable Laws of Destructive Power:

1. The exponential increase of a destructive force will exponentially increase its destructive power.

2. A destructive force’s capacity to cause destruction will be realized up to its maximum destructive capacity.

3. An exponential decrease of a destructive force will exponentially decrease its destructive power.

4. The diminishment of a destructive force’s capacity to cause destruction will result in a diminishment of its maximum destructive potential.


An increase in the number of asteroids that orbit near the earth will increase the number of asteroids that hit the earth, up to the limit of their potential to cause destruction.

An increase in the number of bicycles, per capita, will increase the number of bicycle accidents, up to the limit of their potential to cause destruction.

An increase in the number of cars, per capita, will increase the number of automobile accidents, up to the limit of their potential to cause destruction.

An increase in the number of guns, per capita, will increase the number of gun deaths, up to the limit of their potential to cause destruction.

An assault rifle will be used to cause destruction, up to its maximum capacity.

Loren M. Lambert © February 28, 2018

Carefree and Calculated

The distance between carefree and calculated should be as close as sanity allows –but no nearer, lest you cut to calcified and careless.

Sometimes, it's hard to tell when you've been waylaid by either.

Loren M. Lambert © March 1, 2018

Tax Cut Gives Enough For Cheetos

The American public got a four tenths of one percent raise this year, due to tax cuts. I'm going to celebrate by taking my raise and investing it in a bag of Cheetos.

Loren M. Lambert © March 1, 2018

Industry Structures (Transportation and Healthcare)

An efficient transportation infrastructure is, to captains of industry, what an accessible healthcare system is to the working class.

Loren M. Lambert © March 3, 2018

Perhaps President Trump Is to Be Praised

If the Korean Peninsula is denuclearized, then some credit is due to President Trump.

As a second note, I do support targeted and limited tariffs on some commodities, but only if our environmental and labor laws are maintained, and instead of a "tariff" or "trade" war, a sincere attempt is made to negotiate the affected parties so both of us can attempt to equalize the benefits and disadvantages. In other words, try to find win-win solutions rather than a lose-lose, tit-for-tat spiral downward.

Loren M. Lambert © March 8, 2018

Hush Money Law – Please Hire Me in My New Legal Specialty!

Convey to me a large sum of money without disclosing your real name, and name an “undisclosed” person (we will meet in some island).  I will secure his/her undisclosed silence (with the money – not the Russian method of silencing), and when you run for office, I’ll make sure everything goes “undisclosed.” 

My  pay will be whatever I can negotiate below the hush money total. Deal? No one will ever know!

That's why the attorney/client privilege was created. Right?

Loren M. Lambert © March 9, 2018

In Search of Silence for Pay

I'm looking for people who want to be paid to be silent about something that didn't happen on behalf of someone you never really knew. This is so important to me, I'll take out a mortgage on my home to accomplish it and expect nothing in return. Wink, wink.

Loren M. Lambert © March 10, 2018

Dream Search

Spent the whole night searching 
for a place I could not locate, 
and looking for a thing I could not dream. 
What good is a subconscious mind 
that can go anywhere it desires 
and possess anything it wants,
but neither can it find?
A call to wander, 
or sign to hide?

Loren M. Lambert © November 9, 2017

Hotel Australia

On a dark ocean highway, sea breeze on our car,
Warm smell of eucalyptus, rushing up through the air,
Up ahead in the roadway, I saw a startling sight,
My foot was quick as the tree grew near,
We had to stop for a bit.

There it stood in the roadway;
Crashed down on a guardrail,
And I was thinking to myself,
We are in heaven, barely missed vacation Hell.
Then we just jumped out and we showed all the way.
Here were voices from all nations,
I thought I heard them say:

Welcome to the Hotel Australia!
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
A many lovely face.
Plenty of room at the Hotel Australia
Any time of year (any time of year) you could get killed here.

It took an American family; a spry, enthusiastic, Chinese woman; a couple of tall, 
sharp-looking Aussies; and a sultry, dark, Eastern European woman to move it out of the way. 

Welcome to the hotel Australia. If only all world problems were so easily fixed.

Loren M. Lambert © November 29, 2017

Solar Paneling

Here’s my gift to the world: I put in solar paneling!

Yes, it will eventually pay for itself, but the reality is, it won’t be soon enough for me to really get a return on this investment. So, why do it? I do it for the same reason I pick up my and other peoples’ garbage, and why I do things to conserve energy, water, and free paper goods – because it is good for the world. If everyone did the same, we would live in a better place.

Loren M. Lambert © December 31, 2017

A Sacred Pilgrimage – A Total Eclipse of the Sun Happy New Year!

I had planned for months and plotted my strategy for the total eclipse. I had the appropriate lens’ filters, two tripods, extra batteries, extra flash cards, three lenses, a remote shutter actuator, and an extra camera. This event would only allow  just a little over two minutes to capture what I was told, and imagined would be, a singular and extraordinary event.

From first contact with the moon's edge, until second contact with the moon and the sun’s transition into totality, the eclipse proved captivating on its own right, for what I knew it meant.  Still, it almost felt like waiting for a drop of pitch to fall. All this I casually watched through my Clark’s Planetarium eclipse glasses, while snapping photos. Those photos worked according to plan. Then, the total eclipse burst upon me!

First, the moon’s dark shield (a vast shadow beyond my vantage to encompass) shifted swiftly from the west, to absorb us, as a mid-day dusk enveloped the mountains. In a wink, a 360-degree sunset ringed the horizons. At this same instant, the eternally dependable sun (extinguished in totality) became a black hole in the sky, and a window into infinity.  It was ringed with what seem to be a huge, undulating, shimmering span of white flames, jetting streams of electrons into the firmament.

Now, I could abide it with my naked eyes, and I stared a few seconds in amazement. In my eyes, mind, and heart, the flaming ring and streams of light appeared to fill the heavens.

Suddenly, I sprang into action, taking pictures, adjusting my camera settings, and even (at one time) changing lenses. With each photo, I took quick glances (for instant feedback) at my camera’s monitor as each frame was displayed. Each time, I became more and more alarmed. What I was seeing, or at least felt I was seeing with my naked eyes, was that this enormous, astonishing, ineffable beauty, escaped replication in my photos. Growing more and more frantic, I made an evermore furious series of camera adjustments, rapidly switching my attention back and forth from the sky, my monitor, and then activating the shutter.

As the full eclipse lost its hold upon the sun, a massive, dazzling display of brilliant god-rays shot through the moon’s valleys, as if searing, white fires were melting rings around its crest. This was a  display that others have described as stringed pearls, fracturing out from the moon’s waxing edge. Instantaneously, the beads of light bled together where a blinding, single point of white flames danced in one phosphorous-like explosion on the trailing edge of the sun's black hole. Then, a midday dawn shot into our valley, igniting a second, rose-kissed ring around the Targhee valley. The day “began,” again, for the “second day” on the same day.

I settled onto the ground, to my knees, all due to my emotional and physical exhaustion, the abject disappointment in my photography skills, and in my utter amazement at the spectacle.

Nevertheless, I thought, felt, and actually cried out, softly, “What an amazing experience!”  I specifically say, “experience”– not “spectacle”– because as the sun slowly waxed into fullness, and as its full strength reunited with August’s promise, I felt this deep and profound sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. I could not understand why, though. As a photographer, I thought I had failed. Despite this, I was utterly content, as if I had, personally, just given birth to a child.

It made me fill guilty. It’s not like I’d accomplished a significant civic duty, saved a life, or advanced world peace. So, what was the source of my feelings? The best I could say was that I had just experienced something transcendental or mystical.

Perhaps it was because I had traveled miles to get there, had endured three, restless nights car camping in preparation, and had hiked four hard miles up to the Ridge on Grand Targhee to set up my observation point. Perhaps it was because, when experiencing totality, one is directly under the moon and the sun, and their gravitation force exercised some influence upon me to lengthen the stature of my mind, body, and spirit. And, why not?  Don’t they both pull the oceans slightly aloft?

Maybe it was because, as I stood there (at this juxtaposition) gazing up at these two enormous orbs, I could more fully grasp their girth, sense their weight, and envision their reality. Indeed, to stand beneath the behemoths, I had felt as if I had been pulled into the firmament and was suspended weightless and inert, just a few reaches away from their materiality. Overall, I felt unbounded by time and space. I sensed I was, in some small measure, like the astronauts of the 1960s, perched upon the moon's surface and feeling the sanctity of the earth from which my spirit had soared.

Still, maybe it was because the eclipse had transformed the sun into not just a black hole, but a window. And there, at its center, was a portal into the essence of the universe through which I had gazed, into eternity where I had never been permitted to look before.  Maybe it was a great eye, around which danced massive bands and waves of rays in its corona that winked upon my existence to give me its blessing.  Or, maybe this entire experience was, simply because of its dazzling beauty, like experiencing the wonder of a first love.

In all, I saw the laws of physics in a simple display of order. I had, indeed, come to behold the planetary movement against the backdrop of the sun, which allowed me to rationally understand what I was seeing. Yet still, what I felt could not be explained or captured with just my rational understanding. Yes, I knew the science, but what I didn’t expect was that, which I perceived, was beyond explanation and almost impalpable. It was as if God or the universe had allowed me, for a brief moment, and for a modest personal investment of time, to peer into eternity and see and feel the inner workings of our solar system.

I took some time to revel in it all and then headed home, content to have seen it, but disappointed to have failed in my objective to capture it. Once home, I downloaded the payload of photos onto my PC (personal computer). To my great chagrin and satisfaction, I quickly discovered that I had captured the total eclipse – not perfectly, but sufficiently enough to appease my disappointment! I then realized that while watching the totality, a vast phenomenon filled the expanse of my emotion beyond its capacity to see the sun’s corona for what it actually was.  A small, but still amazing display in the dark heavens appeared to span the entire expanse of the sky from horizon to horizon.  It did not, however, match up with the beautiful, but dramatically scaled-down reality of its actual appearance in my monitor, which I could not see in the darkness of the mid-day night of my eyes, but could only perceive with the rapturous noon-day expanse of my soul.

If fortune and circumstances allow, as the New Year opens upon us, I challenge you (in honor of that experience) to plan to go to a full eclipse, wherever it next presents its window to eternity before earth’s children’s eyes. Be prepared, then, to feel and experience something that is bigger than the laws of physics. Be prepared to experience something in a way that eclipses its actual physical reality.  Only then will you understand why our ancestors were so overtaken by it. You will be, too, even with your modern understanding and seemingly sophisticated intelligence.

Loren M. Lambert © December 31, 2017

“Garbage Men”

It is not "Garbage Men or Man," because not all men are garbage. The politically correct title is "Garbage People," people.

Loren M. Lambert © December 30, 2017

“Foodies” (Satan’s First-Line Minions)

"We eat to live. We do not live to eat. To live to eat is to cause us to start focusing on the act of eating as an end (instead of a means to an end), which leads us down a path of utter devastation containing all evils, all darkness, all petty self-absorption and venal consumption.

While the eyes may be a window to the soul, the mouth is the funnel to hell. It's not that you can't enjoy it, it's that you can't revel in it. Introduce me to a 'foodie' and I'll show you a self-consumed, emotionally shallow, decadent atheist. It’s not that I don't love "foodies," because I do. We are all God's children. While I can love the sinner, I just can't tolerate their sins.” ~Tennessee Samuelson, a character from my script,  Foodies – Satan's First-Line Minions. (It's a satire.)

Loren M. Lambert © December 28, 2017

Action Does Not Equal Progress

Have a purpose, not just an activity. Action does not equal progress, and only those who know the purpose for everything progress.

Loren M. Lambert © December 27, 2017

Merry Christmas – Christ’s True Message of Love and Forgiveness

Since I was a child, I always thought that the most profound, impactful statement that Christ is reputed to have said to those who condemned, tortured, and murdered him was, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” In that moment, in that statement, and in that heart, is contained what, to me, is Christ’s message. It is this:

First, while Christ was in unimaginable agony, with his life slipping from his veins, he forgave those who were taking it from him. He calls upon us to do the same.

During Christmas, many of our carols celebrate Christ’s birth. This conveys to hearts and minds the vulnerability of that moment. These songs portray a first Christmas where both Joseph and Mary were meek and mild and displayed Godlike composure.

In many religious traditions, especially my own, we are taught that we cannot learn to be genuinely forgiving, and we cannot learn what we must, unless we are humble, contrite, and childlike. It is our connection to innocence that allows our hearts to be open and our minds to be receptive to learn to love even those we deem as our most vile enemies.

Second, Christ taught us that even those who do horrible things, even those who carry out murders, often do so in ignorance. His ministry invited us to recognize this and to understand that where there is ignorance, there is not an absence of humanity, but simply a lack of light, understanding, and love. We are all called upon to be the bearers of that light; for before ignorance can be dispelled, it will have to first be met with forgiveness. We will have to concede, even through our pain, that most who inflict harm are ignorant. Christ calls upon us, not through the butt of a gun, the strength of a fist, or even the induction of others into our dogma, but to show the ignorant our humanity through our love, and to thereby connect with their humanity. That is Christ’s message, pure and simple.

In Christ’s day, many expected Christ to be a King of physical force to deliver them from bondage. Today, many still believe that it is Christ’s destiny to be a physical force who, with a sword, will deliver them from their own folly and save our world from its fallen state. He will not. Christ has already given us all we need to transform our world and deliver ourselves from the pain of ignorance. He calls upon us not to vanquish our foes, but to embrace them. With childlike innocence, we must forgive and be free to show our light and love by how we live, not by how we die.

Loren M. Lambert © December 25, 2017

My Climb and Glissade on Mount Moran

Paul Gregg, a Boeing Engineer, took me on an epic journey up Wyoming’s Mt. Moran, wherein we had to canoe across two lakes with a short portage in between. We then hid the canoe and bushwacked our way to the Skillet Glacier, and bivouacked just below the bowl on its terminal moraine upon the narrowest spot.

At 3 am we awoke, set upon the glacier, roped up to climb across a jagged, rocky break in the glacier, and then headed straight up the Skillet's handle. At about 7 am, we crested the peak and waltzed to the highest point on its long, almost flat ridge. For about an hour, we ate a reward of breakfast sandwiches, oranges, and M&Ms, and we watched the sun's shadow creep across Jackson Lake.  I looked over the side of the Glacier and asked how we would get down. "We slide," Gregg explained. I looked, again, down the Skillet's long handle. My head grew light, my stomach queasy, and my legs shook a bit. "We slide?" I asked. "Yes, it's easy. I'll show you."

He did. 

With the faith of a child, and the confidence of the uninitiated, I followed him as he slid down on his butt. Halfway down, he waived me out of the central chute, where snow had built up and had almost created a small avalanche that would have carried him to the bottom and over the jagged rocks we had scaled that early morning in the dark. In a half hour total time descending, we were down to join up with our packs that we had left in the middle of the bottom of the Glacier. There was a large jagged rock that had fallen from a above and had stuck right in front of them. It was a little reminder from the mountain that safety is sometimes just an uninvited guest.

That's how I learned how to glissade.

Loren M. Lambert © December 25, 2017