Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Biblical Day

Today I am going to walk on my hands on water, and while in the middle of the storm tossed sea, do a one tongue push-up; then I'm going to turn water into a Noni, Acai, Pomegranate and heavily caffeinated juice blend; and then, to end my miraculous day, I am going raise long moribund and buried zombieastic goals and ideas, infused and encrusted with memories, from the very grasp and grip of death's wintry grave.

Now some my think I boast of my own strength or that I glory in one-up-manship.

But lo, this is not so, it is through him and by him through which the power is given, not as a self-indulgent bauble or monastic totem but as a gift to intone his majesty.

It is of little consequence that the hounds of hell nip at my hobnobbers or that the ravens of Fangorsmiasmas peck at my eyes--no, it is only with those very same bloodied and bruised heals with which I set my feet upon the mountain shoulders; and it is with those same gouged and weeping eyes, fixed upon the lofty peaks of Olympus, that I commit to do these things in his name and for his ultimate fame. Amen.

Loren M. Lambert © February 22, 2013

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