Thursday, March 20, 2014

Soccer Can Be Thrilling - Many Man Hug Variations

I thought soccer/football, for the non-ordained and uninitiated, was and is a pretty boring game, even before baseball, but that was until I watched the rerun of the end of what I think was a FIFA championship game in Madrid in 2010.

There was at least 20 different types of man hugs including: group hugs, the side hug, the sandwich hug, the awkward tall and small hug when one of them has his nose planted into the armpit or belly of the other, the full-on-slow-dancing hug, and the hug-release-hug-release and hug one-more-time hug. With the hugs there were a combination of butt slapping, back and butt slapping, hair petting, lice grooming, double-barrel-side-to-side cheek-to-cheek air kissing, back-of-head slapping, hand shaking, knuckle-grinding, face squeezing, bald-and-nearly-bald head rubbing, full-face kissing and cup kissing (the trophy--not the uniform accessory).

And to top it off there was hand-wringing, crying (sad and happy), flag flagellation, ground kissing, liquid squirting, praying, crossing, prostrating and ground flopping.

All in all very exciting stuff. So don't watch the games, watch the championship celebrations.

Loren M. Lambert © March 24, 2013

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