Monday, March 24, 2014

Just Like Watergate -- Serious?

Today, every journalist dreams of the day they will save the country, the world and maybe even the universe by breaking the story that reveals some ugly truth that then allows us to remove the usurper before it is too late. And every politician prays to be the one to guillotine their rival and to then be paraded through the streets upon the backs of their constituents while holding aloft by its graying hair the severed head of their fallen foe.

The only problem is they are all so eager and so hell bent on doing so that they don't want to reveal the truth as much as divine what they think the truth is going to be or should be based upon their hopes, suspicions, most recent hallucination, and grandiose delusions. Few of them show the restraint and wisdom of a true patriot or have the discipline or ethical fortitude of the journalistic gumshoes like Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, nor work for an organization that insist on being right instead of always being first or being the most incendiary.

Benghazi was catastrophic, the allegations of IRS partisanship are despicable and disturbing, but absolutely no truth revealing evidence has been produced that indicates that any of these or other governmental debacles even approach the perfidy that was Nixon's Watergate. If and when it ever does, I'll be out there in front leading the charge of impeachment.

Comment 1: Loren M. Lambert - Wishful, imprudent, euphemistic or premature pronouncements do not equate to the "coverup" that was attempted in Watergate. I've known since before the elections that 4 US citizens died due to bungled security, poor foresight, political gamesmanship and a terrorist attack. No one has presented evidence that arises to the level of criminal conduct to attempt a cover up in this catastrophic, sad and most likely avoidable tragedy--just as 9/11 was most likely avoidable. But let's not get started on that.

Comment 2: Loren M. Lambert - I am admittedly starting to loose my keen sense of smell but it is yet keen enough to identify home cooking when I smell it. I am confident that if your generalities and emotive statements can be verified with hard facts that the hounds of hell that heard the Elephants will make ample use thereof to stampede the president from office. This far they have no such evidence. I am not particularly fond of wishful, imprudent, euphemistic or premature pronouncements from either party but I find that both parties resort to such evasive speech almost every day which has thus far not been criminalized. I am even aware, in times of war, of presidents lying outright about such things and it not arising to impeachment. And no it does not concern me what they blamed it on, it concerns me that it happened and they were so clueless about the possibility. Moreover, I blame both branches of government for the debacle.

Comment 3: Loren M. Lambert - Do me a favor, research the mistakes that led to the Beirut Barracks Bombing that killed, what was it, 241 marines and the lesson's that should have been learned therefrom (not to mention many more such incident leading up to the present) and answer, did we track down and bring the justice the perpetrators? Did we engage the countries and groups that supported the terrorists? And lastly, are you as harsh towards Pres. Regan as you are on Pres. Obama?

Loren M. Lambert © May 24, 2013

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