Monday, March 10, 2014

The Princess Phenomenon

I'm not exactly a mainstream guy, yet not a backwater dude, or even a whirlpool maven, more like a just-out-of-the main current man (unless in a down water race then I am right on it). And, some people may think that I always look for the led-lining in the silver cloud, but something has always struck me as not completely positive: the fixation we have on telling our daughters they're princesses.

Is that a completely positive thing? Yeah, I know we need to treat the women in our lives well, but like a Princess? Don't princesses go on to ask for John the Baptist's head and to become queens who want to ax poor Alice and the Madhatter, and get drinks like Bloody Mary named after them?

I think I have treated my daughter with respect and honor but not as a Princess--I hope I didn't ruin her because she won't recognize the "prince" when he comes to sweep her off her feet.

Loren M. Lambert © November 21, 2013

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