Thursday, August 23, 2018

Shopping & Christmas

I went Christmas shopping the other day. Everything was so beautiful, it smelled enrapturing, it shined like success, and it felt like status, movement, and immortality.  However,  I don’t know why people want most of that stuff.

I felt satiated, repulsed, and weighted down just by looking at it. It's not that I don't want people to make, sell, and buy stuff. It's all important. The conveyor belts of commerce must move us all into the future. However, I, personally, don't need anymore things, anymore clothes, anymore baubles. For the first time in my life, other things seem more important, and more enriching.

What I want, more than anything, is just time. Give me time. Give me the breath of full lungs, the red of iron in my veins, and the subtleties of exquisite sensation.

Loren M. Lambert © December 24, 2017

The Short Life Of the Trump Treason Investigation

The Watergate investigation lasted from June 17, 1972, when Nixon's burglars were arrested, to Aug. 9, 1974, when Pres. Nixon resigned. The Benghazi investigation went from Sept. 12, 2012, just after the embassy fell, to Dec. 7, 2016, when the legislature closed it.

So, is the Trump Campaign’s treason investigation, which started at the beginning of this year, going too long, by comparison?

Loren M. Lambert © December 22, 2017

What Most Republicans Never Contemplate

Let me try to pose a few questions that you may not have ever contemplated. I dare you to, if not answer them, at least try to think at length about them:

What is the economic value that the wealthy get from publicly funded infrastructure (roads, bridges, canals, dredging, airports, docks, railway right-of-ways, natural resource land claims, stadiums, schools, court systems, security forces, protective zoning laws, military forces, intellectual property protections, etc.)?

What is the economic value that the wealthy get from publicly funded bail outs, corporate tax breaks, subsidies, insulation from certain types of economic market forces (just to name a few)?

I doubt most supporters of the Republican tax plan have even contemplated the benefits the wealthy reap from their politicians. (I support some of the Republican’s tax reform goals.)

Answer this: Do the wealthy actually pay for those benefits? Or, because of their positions in the cradles of power, are they able to pass on those costs to the middle class?

Loren M. Lambert © December 20, 2017

The Republican Tax Program – The Great Heist

Imagine a country where one corner of that country has something of extreme value (i.e., petroleum) to the rest of the country and the world.

Would the geographical, political, or economic leaders of that small area be better off to separate and exist independently from the rest of the country? What would be the disadvantages and advantages of doing this?

Are there advantages for all states (and all citizens) contributing to a national infrastructure program? Or, should each state be left to itself? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

Currently, the Republican tax plan (as it has been passed) metaphysically allows the very wealthy to succeed, or to separate their success from the success of the nation as a whole, and to become a sovereign nation within a nation.

Moreover, it places more responsibility on individual states to either raise taxes (and thereby erase the federal middle class tax gains that the Republicans have now given us), or to find themselves unable to meet their citizens’ traditional, governmentally supplied needs, due to the coming reduction in federal spending. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

To a certain extent, the elimination of itemized deductions for state-based taxes can be a good thing, by keeping more dollars at home and requiring each individual state to be more responsible.  However, it also can be devastating, by unduly impoverishing certain states which are not as resource-rich as others.

All itemized deductions for charities and nonprofit organizations should have also been eliminated. Such deductions (although they have become a addicting crutch) significantly distort the economic viability and value, which particular charities and non-profits bestow upon society.

The success of this tax plan will show if, after a year under the new tax plan, more jobs are created than expected, wages substantially increase without the cost of living rising at the same time, the tax system is simpler and not subject to manipulation, and the tax is fair in that those who generate income contribute tax revenue that equates to the benefits that they receive from governmentally supplied services – such as education, court systems, infrastructure, security systems, and the military, etc.

I suspect that, as most pundits, intellectuals, and experts are indicating, the Republicans’ tax package is a great “money heist” that they have engineered to benefit themselves and their wealthy contributors, and that it will do nothing to strengthen us as a nation and people. As the saying goes, “A man or a woman with the briefcase can steal more money than any man or woman with the gun.” As the saying also should go, “A man or woman who is able to command a nation-states’ police services, armies, and medical system, is able to destroy more lives and protect their own, then any wacko with an arsenal, let loose upon our city streets. While the latter is certainly more publically compelling and causes more fear, the former is really more dangerous and results in more loss of life.

Loren M. Lambert © December 20, 2017


While faith may unveil your inherent potential, it is not a window to truth.  Truth, however incongruent or compatible with conviction, is what reveals all realities.

Loren M. Lambert © December 18, 2017

What Glitters Could Be Gold!

Sometimes what glitters is gold. That's why I always look.

Loren M. Lambert © December 17, 2017

Mantra of Our Times: Blow It Up to Save It!

"You have to blow it up to save it," is our mantra of the times.

Loren M. Lambert © December 16, 2017

Merry Christmas AND Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas!

        And, sorry. I can’t. Resist. The force!  It is too–strong:

“Haaappy Holllidays!”

Yikes, I said it! Please don’t let this forced utterance of “Happy  Holidays” ruin your Christmas (or vice versa). 

Loren M. Lambert © December 15, 2017

Corruption – Either Monetary or Behavioral – Is Not A Matter of “Whataboutism.”

Corruption, including sexual misconduct and sexual harassment, is not a Democratic vs. Republican problem. If you think it is, it’s because you just remember those who engage in it, who are associated with the side you dislike.  Corruption is also not an Evangelists vs. Mormons vs. Catholics vs. Hellenists, etc. problem; nor is it a black vs. white vs. red, etc. problem.  It is a cultural and human problem.

Nevertheless, you should be consistent in your philosophy on whether or not credible evidence of such misconduct (i.e., infidelity, under-age dating/sexual misconduct, juvenile 'locker/comedian-room' behavior, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, insensitivity) is disqualifying, and why.  You should also be consistent in determining that what you find is "credible evidence" of such behavior, whether it be convictions, multiple accusations, consistent/similar accusations, corroborating evidence, etc.   Also, refrain from clouded judgment regarding an alleged perpetrator’s party, race, religion, or other affiliation.       

The prevailing norm is that most people really don’t have any standards, even though they claim to have them. They use such allegations only when it benefits their support of a particular candidate or position.

I am confident that if you created a comprehensive list of all the scoundrels who engaged in the behavior you deem disqualifying for public office, or a list of all individuals who have given such perpetrators "a pass," you would find them to be from all walks of life and in all family trees – probably even in the groups you hold near and dear to your heart.

Furthermore, you really do need those who are brave enough to stand up to corruption, not just after the fact – when sometimes more is at stake for all of us – but while it is happening. Sometimes, the person paying the bribe, or the person offering themselves up in an inappropriate manner in order to gain an advantage over their competitors, are just as complicit as the known perpetrators. So, while the person in power is usually the more guilty party, the person who knowingly and willingly participates in the corruption, to their advantage, does bear some responsibility. Of course, there are also situations in which the perpetrator is the only guilty party, and the degree of culpability is different in all situations, depending upon the conduct.

To that end, we all need to create a climate in which all can stand up to corruption in all its forms, and to step forward and be heard. On the other hand, we also need to create an environment in which perpetrators can apologize and be truly forgiven (when appropriate), or be held accountable (when the seriousness warrants it).

Loren M. Lambert © December 14, 2017


Cricket – A game that is not devoid of great skill, poise and athletisim, but better played and watched by the unemployed, independently wealthy, and the enthusiastically comatose.

Loren M. Lambert © December 5 , 2017

To Be Honest...

To be both honest to self and others is to never be lonely.

Loren M. Lambert © November 26, 2017

The Sights of Australia

Sydney, Australia!

I feel so fortunate and grateful that I have never been here before, or I would have abandoned home to come to stay. It's such a stunningly beautiful city! Aquamarine sea; men and beast engaged in a stream of activity upon the water, on the land, and in the air; picturesque architecture; an assorted array of colors, races, and shapes; clean streets and air; orderly bustle; everything vibrant and pulsing with invigorating energy!

Loren M. Lambert © November 24, 2017

Rapidly Acidifying Seas & Warming Oceans

Yes, the Great Barrier is succumbing to unduly warming and acidifying seas, yet it is still overwhelmingly majestic, captivating, and awesome!

Loren M. Lambert © November 22, 2017

Indigenous People From Down Under

Down Under is a beautiful place!  In the area we’re visiting (Cairns), 60 percent of the people have first-people’s (indigenous) heritage.  It's lovely walking around and seeing all the engaging faces.

Loren M. Lambert © November 20, 2017

Who Gets Medical Care?

A terrorist drives into a crowd of people headed to a conference.  Over 50 people are injured.  Ten of those people have full healthcare coverage insurance; five have Medicaid; five have Medicare; and 30 have no insurance.  All have catastrophic injuries that require surgeries and other treatment that cannot be paid without coverage.

Who should be given medical care? 

Loren M. Lambert © November 18, 2017

Should Sex Offenders Be Judges, Senators, and Presidents?

Should people who have been convicted of sexual assault have their convictions expunged and be allowed to be appointed as judges, senators and presidents?

Loren M. Lambert © November 18, 2017

Variability Is Our Strength

Have the humility and strength to understand that sameness does not drive human progress. Differences and variability do. (This is my adaption of Doug Fabrizio's quote of John Shivik's statement that "sameness doesn't drive nature, differences do.")

Love yourself and those similar to you, of course. However, the harder, bigger, and more mature thing is to embrace and learn to respect, if not love, the differences and variability in others. 

Loren M. Lambert © November 17, 2017

Teaching By Bad Example

Another lesson our leaders are teaching to our children:

Morality and principle are conveniences best abandoned when they bar the path to victory.

Loren M. Lambert © November 14, 2017

Sexual Harassment vs. Project Or Employment Standards

As a topic of interest, it is important that our film community understand legal terms as they are understood by attorneys. This will allow you to make distinctions between “sexual harassment,” which is sanctioned by law, and the particular standards of conduct that different employers require.

By law, it is improper for an employer, or its employees, to coerce other employees into engaging with them in a romantic or sexual manner, including something as benign as a date, to something as serious as a non-consensual sexual act. It is also inappropriate for employers and their employees to expose others to content of a sexual nature that is either known, or should be known, to be offensive to other coworkers, or that a coworker indicates is offensive to them. It is further improper for an employer to fail to take action to protect its employees from such behavior. This is a very simplified, but accurate description of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination.

Contrary to popular belief, however, it is not illegal to: engage in discussions or banter about sexuality or sexual relationships; use sexually graphic language; share or trade sexually graphic materials; or, ask or proposition others to engage with you sexually or romantically. However, once a coworker indicates that your behavior is unwelcome, you must cease from engaging in it and cannot in any way retaliate against them for having made their objection or lodged a complaint. This would include even joking about their objection or complaint.

This is important, because many employees do not realize that, except for obvious improper behaviors like sexual assault, they have an obligation to complain about behavior they find offensive so that the person engaging in it can refrain from doing so, and the employer has the opportunity to correct it.

The legal definition of sexual harassment is different from what a particular business or film production company’s standards or requirements are regarding sexually related conduct and relationships in the workplace. Business owners may create their own stricter rules of behavior, as long as they do not run afoul to other laws. Make sure you know this, so you can comply with the rules that are applicable to your particular film project.

Regardless of the legal definition of sexual harassment and the particular requirements of a private employer, to avoid illegalities and maintain employment, the best practice is for employers and employees to steer clear of engaging in any behavior that would be deemed offensive by the most conservative members of your community.  When in doubt, ask.

Loren M. Lambert © November 12, 2017

Waffles and Couples

"Look at the world.  Even waffles forget they were a couple sometimes," says my subconscious, at 5:30 am.

Loren M. Lambert © November 11, 2017

When Winning Is Perceived As Justifying Anything

To them (the rabid right), winning the presidency was more important than who won it, or how it was won. This was illustrated by a gentleman at the gym (of course, a white, aging male, like me), who told me that he didn’t like President Trump, either, but had realized it was the only way to win.

People like him – and most of the Trump base – see their alliance with Trump and his off-color, profane, irredeemable statements, actions, and beliefs as akin to the United States alliance with Russia during WW II: simply a necessary evil that must be tolerated at all costs.

That is why nothing that he did, does, or is going to do is of any interest to them. Winning, to them, is more important than the cost to our freedom and liberty. That is why they will simply have to be walled off by a towering structure of truth, integrity, and positive actions, like what was done to the Soviet Union,

Loren M. Lambert © November 10, 2017

Getting Rid of Deductions

I stand with the Republicans on getting rid of most deductions – including all charitable deductions.

Loren M. Lambert © November 9, 2017

Conservative Judges (Good or Bad) – It Doesn't Depend Upon Their Political Philosophy.

Re: Federal Judges’ Appointments

Dear Senator Hatch,

I understand that the appointment of federal judges is being fast-tracked. Please understand that there are many conservative judges across the world who are also very corrupt. You're going to say that that can't happen here.

It can.

Nevertheless, there are also good, admirable, conservative judges. I do not agree with the manner that Judge Gorsuch was appointed, nor do I personally agree with some of his opinions and philosophies. However, I believe he is an honorable and qualified judge.

Please do your job. While I know that you and President Trump will appoint conservative judges, at least take the time to make sure that they are ethical and do not believe that the ends justify the means; or that they do not engage in incivility, sniping and graft; and that they are well-qualified and commit to follow the law.

Loren M. Lambert

Loren M. Lambert © November 6, 2017

When Traveling Far Away...

Distance makes the country seem kinder.

Loren M. Lambert © November 4, 2017

Fox News: Kindred Spirit to Sputnik News

Fox News + Russia’s Sputnik + North Korean’s Central News Agency + Venezuela’s Televen, Venevision, and Globovision = Unabashed, Executive Propaganda, Fake News Outlets.

So which is worse?

Fox News.


The others spread fake news under penalty of imprisonment, torture, and death. Fox News does it under penalty of earning less profit.

Loren M. Lambert © November 2, 2017

When Others Are Willing to Do What Someone Cannot Do Legally – Is That Okay?

Here’s an inquiry that I received:

Okay – please, please, please, I need advice on this right away!!!

I’ve been in competition with another business, and I was contacted by a hacking service. They have been able to hack my competitor’s computer and obtain their client list, their product formulas, and processes. If I had that information, it could greatly help my business.

They require payment of “sorts.” I know it would have been illegal for me to have hacked into their computers, but can’t I just meet with them and see what they want and get the information and just pay them a little bit for their trouble? It’s not like I did it.

Thanks in advance for your advice!!!

What do you think I told them? What would you tell them?

Loren M. Lambert © October 30, 2017

Corruption, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault: Victims, Perpetrators, & Co-Corrupters, and The Watcher in the Water, The Balrog & Orcs

As a member of the Fellowship of The Rings, who must pass through the Mines of Moria in order to save all that is good in middle Earth, I find myself before the enchanted back door into the Mines of Moria, knowing that I must enter and pass though the unknown difficulties that lie ahead, but also knowing that behind me, the Watcher in the Water has been awakened by the rock-throwing of my foolish companions. To retreat is to face a known enemy that is greater than my equal; yet to proceed will just as likely force me to face foes many times greater than my own power to defeat. To proceed I must, because, only the way forward presents a passage for progress. So, with the Watcher in the Water baring my retreat, I press forward into the Mines of Moria, hoping that the Orcs of reaction, and the Balrog of denial, do not deliver my mission its deathblow.

To get through safely, I admit, first requires I take personal responsibility. I must commit never to request, nor engage in, the expectation of improper payment of money, favors, or sex. Yet, I also equally believe, it is only through the power of the group and its communal responsibility, that provides me and others the greatest possibility that no one seeking advancement, or no one having position or power, will engage in corruption or sexual exploitation. Both the arms of personal and communal responsibility will allow us, in the Fellowship of The Rings, to achieve the optimal solutions for any obstacles to our progress. Individuals, relationships, families, communities, institutions, cities, states, nations, and united nations have a responsibility to rid our social intercourse of corruption and sexual exploitation. All must join forces to make it safely through the Mines of Moria.

Both the evils of corruption and sexual exploitation have similar dynamics. Both have perpetrators, victims, co-conspirators, and co-corrupters.

When it is not implemented by force, corruption and sexual exploitation could end overnight if individuals and entities refused to pay either money, favors, or flesh to play. The warranted hue and cry of the victims of corruption and sexual harassment will amass with their swords of indignation and clamor from behind. And still, I will proceed to run forward into the Mines of Moria, and into the darkness and dangers that I know lay ahead. But allow me to arm myself.

Of course, corruption and sexual exploitation would cease to exist if those in positions of power did not improperly solicit money, favors, or sex to advance those over whom they have position and power.  But the more important question is: Who bears the responsibility for extirpating corruption and sexual exploitation from our fellowship? Can corruption and sexual exploitation be precipitated by those seeking a quicker path forward? Do individuals and entities sometimes offer improper payments of money, favors, or sex for advancement forward? Yes, and yes. They can, and they do.

But, herein lies the problem and an important difference. Unfortunately, when corruption and sexual exploitation are entrenched among co-conspiring sovereigns and are thereby institutionalized, sometimes individuals and entities, in order to advance, to access justice, to secure freedom, and even to survive, are compelled to engage in corruption and submit as victims of sexual exploitation. However, even when those with power and position do not initiate a corrupt or sexually exploitative relationship, but it is offered by those seeking power and advancement, they are almost never disadvantaged from refusing to accept the improper payments of money, favor, or sex. They almost always have culpability for such improper payments and are almost always co-corrupters in such relationships, and bear equal, if not greater, responsibility with the dis-empowered. Therefore, those with power and position almost always have a greater responsibility to refrain from corruption and sexual exploitation, and to root them out wherever they manifest.

Still, if all those, who wish to live a life within a society devoid of corruption and sexual exploitation, are out of power and position, and those within power and position had become co-conspirators that require the improper patronage of money, favors, and sex, those within the Fellowship of the Ring must ask: Who invariably must act to extirpate corruption and sexual exploitation? Unfortunately, an inescapable reality is that to rid a society of corruption and sexual exploitation, it must start with every individual, then with every family, then within every organization, and so on and so forth until those in power are either contained by cultural mores, constrained by law, or are defeated by mortality.

Yet, because of the differences in our natures as male and female (and, though fluid, there are some differences), the thorny reality of sexual exploitation is that it is usually initiated and precipitated by men with power and position. More perversely, as is corruption, it is not only perpetrated by the coercion of authority and position, but by physical violence. Therefore, just as it is, first, the responsibility of those with power and position to cease from engaging in corruption either as perpetrators, co-conspirators, or co-corrupters, it is, first, the responsibility of men to acknowledge the reality of their greater responsibility for the problem and cease to engage in sexual exploitation and to censure, sanction, and legally proscribe and prosecute it. But still, just as all members of a society must refrain from engaging in corruption, women should also acknowledge that others of their sex do engage in and initiate sexual exploitation by using sex or the promise of sex as a transactional payment for advancement. Women, therefore, should also cease from doing so and should censure, sanction, and legally proscribe and prosecute it when they become aware of those who use sex or the suggestion of sex as coinage for advancement.

Allegations of sexual harassment also have the added complexity that sexual interactions, in any and all settings, are often devoid of manipulation in which one or the other is using the relationship for the unspoken promise of advancement or the continued payment of sexual favors. Sexual relationships are also entered into when one or the other is unaware of the other’s ulterior motives that include the expectation of advancement, or a continued sexual relationship for advancement. To further complicate matters, a sexual relationship, by its very nature, however voluntary and wholesome, usually carries with it expectations, that when both participants are part of an integrated entity, are in conflict with that entities’ interests. More specifically, people in sexual relationships expect the other to be their champion, rightfully or wrongfully so. These realities require our careful consideration of every allegation of sexual exploitation.

In short, as to sexual exploitation, we should not blame the victims, be indifferent to the possibility of innocence of the alleged perpetrators, nor hesitate to label both as co-corrupters when the facts and circumstances so indicate. Instead, we must give everyone implicated in such relationships adequate societal, administrative, or legal processes to present their position. Then, and only then, can we take pains to never fault the victim, to condemn the perpetrators, and to identify the co-corrupters when warranted.

Most important, as to both sexual exploitation and corruption, we all must cease from either requiring or offering the improper payment of money, favors, and sex for advancement while passing through the Mines of Moria.

May we all join in the Fellowship of the Ring of Propriety that decries corruption and sexual exploitation. May we all have the courage to decline to participate in it, even when those who have position and authority have institutionalized it as a requirement for passage. And, may those with position or power refrain from engaging in it, and ensure that those with whom they share power and position refrain from it, and censure, proscribe, and prosecute it.

Loren M. Lambert © October 28, 2017

Fresh Flowers – A Detail That Reveals the Detail

I flew into Baltimore, yesterday, and had the opportunity to enjoy a very nice chat with my friend, Mark Gammell, on my Delta flight. I was pleasantly surprised to have the privilege of having him work our flight. The two of us mix it up a bit on Facebook, but not in person. Funny how that is. Fact is, it is a rare talent to know how to discuss differences and to do so with honor. He got me a few snacks and a banana to go (which I very much appreciated, since I had to spend a lot of time meeting up with my client, later that evening, and didn't get any dinner).

Exiting the airport, I found the men's restroom to be decorated with fresh flowers; and the details didn't stop there. It was an orderly airport, with a great light rail. I knew it was a good omen of things to come.

And they did. After staying overnight in an inexpensive hotel that offered excellent service and a clean, comfortable room (in a historic building), I was able to present my case to a very cordial, genuine, and sincere Administrative Law Judge, who treated my client (who was subjected to horrible child abuse) with great dignity. You’d think that would be easy for a judge to do, but it doesn’t happen a lot.

It should be just as easy to try to keep our conversations civil on Facebook. And, it should be easy to pay attention to detail at our airports, and to fund modern infrastructure, as well. Unfortunately, it seems to be not the case. 

Thanks for setting the example, Baltimore. I'll look for the fresh flowers in the men's airport restrooms elsewhere, but I think I may never see it again.  I'll just have to remember to post a few on Facebook. Watch for them.

Loren M. Lambert © October 26, 2017

President Donald Trump & the Consequences of Poor Judgment

Trump + Chad travel ban = Chad withdrawal from Niger = Death of four American service men.

Loren M. Lambert © October 19, 2017

This Was Heard Being Sung in the Trump White House. (Sung to Queen's “Bohemian Rhapsody”) (Warning – Don't read unless you love the Trump White House's language of love.)

Scaramucci, Scaramucci, can you do the Sean Spicer?
Dunderbolt and spiteful,
Priebus’s more delightful for me.
(Paranoio) Paranoio.
(Paranoio) Paranoio,
Paranoio, Rigamuro

I'm just a rich boy, nobody loves me.
He's just a rich boy from a rich family,
Spare Trump his wife from his mediocrity.
Easy come, easy go, will you let me blow?

Bismillah! No, we will not let Trump blow. (Let me blow!)
Bismillah! We will not let Trump blow. (Let me blow!)
Bismillah! We will not let Trump blow. (Let me blow!)
Will not let you blow. (Let Trump blow!)
Never let you blow (Never, never, never, never let Trump blow!)
Oh oh oh oh
No, no, no, no, no, no, no

Oh, mama mia, mama mia (Mama mia, Let Trump blow!)
Beelzebub has a Bannon put aside for me, for me, for me.
So you think you can bone me and spit in my eye?
So you think you can f-me and smear me with lies?
Oh, baby, I can just do myself, baby,
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here.

(Ooooh, ooh yeah, ooh yeah)
Nothing really matters,
Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters,
Nothing really matters to me.
Any way a pardon goes.

Loren M. Lambert © July 28, 2017

Overt Corruption, TSA, & Travel Hell – Here And Abroad: Ukraine v. New York City

          In September, I traveled to Eastern Europe with a stopover in New York on the way there, and with a stop in Italy (to scuba dive) on the way home.  I’ve done similar in the past and have traveled through several international airports. I have also flown with many different airlines, including foreign airline companies.

          Upon leaving Ukraine (on Ukrainian Airlines), I went through customs and noted that while the European Union customs booths were adequately staffed so that the passengers were quickly processed, the one, single, non-European Union (“all-other-passports”) booth was woefully backed up.  I saw a paid, skip-to-the-front-of-the-line isle, in which, for a small price (I don’t know what it was, since I didn’t check), you got to go ahead of everyone else. A sign on the customs booth warned everybody that bribing the customs agent was a criminal offense. Nevertheless, many did take the opportunity to pay to skip ahead of everyone else. (I couldn’t be critical over this, because overt corruption in which the bribes are legally paid and transparent, is a step in the right direction. The next time I go, however, I hope there will be only a small incentive to pay the overt bribe to skip ahead of everyone else.)

          In New York, I saw evidence that we are slouching into third-world status, here in America. Misleading signage, uninformed or uncaring TSA agents, and rickety infrastructure caused me to almost miss my flight to Europe, and resulted in me missing my flight back from New York to Salt Lake City.

          One of the most aggravating moments of this trip home (which should have been hilarious, had I not been so tired and on the incipient stages of a bad cold) was waiting in a TSA line in which they kept re-channeling us by changing the crowd-control device configurations. It almost appeared that they were doing it because they were bored.

          Summarizing the experience: I sat in a bus on the tarmac for 15 minutes, experienced a delay through customs, was directed to the wrong terminal, spent more than sufficient time in line waiting for the security check, and I was not allowed to board the plane coming home, even though the plane sat at the gate for a full 30 minutes after I had arrived!

          I spent the night and the next “lovely” day at an airport hotel, and then arrived more than several hours early at the airport. Nevertheless, I sat on the tarmac in the plane for more than an hour, due to redirected flights. To top off the ordeal, I finally arrived in Salt Lake at 2 am, sans my checked baggage. Thankfully, this was remedied two days later.

Loren M. Lambert © October 3, 2017

What Is a Scientist? What Is an Actor?

          "A scientist is a kid who formalizes his [her] sense of curiosity of the world." ~Neil deGrasse Tyson

          “An actor is a kid who formalizes his or her sense of curiosity of the human spirit.” ~Loren M. Lambert

Loren M. Lambert © October 10, 2017

Herb Cowan On Staying Safe (Tie up Your Ladders)

          Herb Cowan (my mentor and large vegetable farmer) came home the other day and looked at his torn-up truck's grill. He stood in front of it, practicing his farm and ranch-owner meditation slogans. You know them: “You !#$#@!% son of a $#%!@!”

          Being the unusually calm person he is, he wagged his head slowly from side to side as he spoke with a tone and delivery that was as soft and peaceful as a Yogi leads a Sivananda yoga class. In short, it sounded like he was blessing his truck with swear words.

          I knew I had to ask what happened. He looked at me, blinked several times, looked at the grill, then looked back and whispered:

          “You should nev’r, nev’r, nev’r, nev’r, nev’r drive behind someone with a ladder in the back o’ th’r truck ‘r vehicle, cuss – and I know by experience, and I even looked it up – more ladders end up as mangled, twisted, and flattened road kill on our highways than any other animate or inanimate object or life form known to man or beast.  Also, if you love yer ladder, as much as I love my harse, you’ve got ta tie it down several times, 'cause that sucker, as soon as you turn yer back on it and yer drivin’ down the highway, will untie itself quicker than a tweet will fart out of our president’s fingers when something stupid pops into his head.”

Loren M. Lambert © October 7, 2017

Our Own Gladiator Ring – Are you not entertained?

          We have our Gladiators. We pay for ringside tickets to experience their battles to the death. We pretend to equally arm the opposing sides, when in reality, in our insouciance with insanity's close association with convenience, we arm only one side; and that side, befriended by depravity, ignored by indifference, and lethally equipped under the guise of the second amendment, murders, indiscriminately, our children and our best.

          Then, in our feigned sorrow and false confusion, our communal insanity screams, "Are you not entertained, are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?"

Loren M. Lambert © October 5, 2017

Ukraine Asserts, “Freedom Is Our Religion”

          “Freedom Is Our Religion” isn't just a stale slogan preserved from some long-ago struggle. It is a battle being waged at this very moment, in which the Ukraine is pitted against a foe – mostly external – that seeks, again, to bring a veil of darkness over a vibrant people and land. We should honor them and do all we can to aid them in their cause.

Loren M. Lambert © October 4, 2017

What NAFTA Should Be

          My friend, Inna Liniova (an attorney in Kiev, Ukraine) is tasked as a project manager to help Ukraine conform its laws and update its legal system to comport with the Council of Europe and the European Union, so that it can become a full, European Union member. It's a model that the U.S. should have used in creating NAFTA and other trade agreements.

          The only way to make sure that America's workforce is protected is to require that our trading partners comply with laws similar to the U.S.  That puts everyone on a level playing field.

Loren M. Lambert © October 1, 2017

Puerto Rico Wilts, While President Trump Golfs

         It's so frustrating to watch Puerto Rico, our fellow citizens, suffer.

However, what is even more distressing is that it is probably intentional. The last thing the Trumpsters want is for Puerto Rico to become a state, and thereby join the political mix.

Loren M. Lambert © September 29, 2017

National Rituals – Facebook Friend Finds Standing Obligatory and Kneeling Idolatrous

          Facebook Friend,

          It is your subjective belief that kneeling to the American flag is idolatrous. Under our Constitution, no civilian has an obligation to share that subjective belief. It smacks of something that arises from sources of obligation, like the Koran or Sharia Law.

          Regardless of whether you stand, sit, kneel, prostrate, or stand on your head before the U.S. flag – and whether you cross your arms, salute, put your left or right hand over your heart, bow, wink, or snarl – it is, still, just a ritual. Ritual is endowed with meaning, due to subjective belief. There is no objective meaning of any ritual over another.

          Now, I'm not saying that ritual has no place or purpose. When I, and all the soldiers with whom I served, honored the flag in the manner you indicated, it represented a subjective public commitment that we were all making, to each other and to our country, to serve as a unified force to defend not only the principles for which the flag symbolizes in our Constitution, but to our command structure. That's why you stand, salute, and give reverence. Whether or not you worship it is a matter for your own heart and mind to know.

          The outward, superficial stance and action can be, and sometimes is, incongruous or non-representative of one's inner thoughts and beliefs. Certainly you recognize that even the most despicable terrorist could, as a guise, pretend to honor the flag. Even the most patriotic, honorable U.S. citizen could, for many honorable and praiseworthy reasons, decline to participate in such a ritual and could still be, in his or her action, heart, and mind, as worthy a patriot as you.

          Furthermore, being "idolatrous," as far as my understanding of its religious meaning, indicates that the symbol, to you, represents thoughts and actions that are excessive, depraved, and seek to dominate others, and that the symbol and ritual become subjectively more important to worship than anything else. You, then, lose sight and balance about what is sacred, meaningful, and right.

Loren M. Lambert © September 28, 2017

The "Faux-Puritan Liberals" and Foul Language

          My foil and faux-Christian Facebook friend (meant to be ironic, as I do think my friend is Christian, just like he should know that many liberals are “Christian”) asks: “When did liberals become the faux-puritans that they have become lately? They feign shock and horror at the use of the phrase ‘son of a bitch,’ by President Trump. One leftie even went as far as saying, ‘I would not even let my mother hear those words come out of my mouth.’ It is getting comical.”

          My answer is: At the very least, one should be measured by the values and morals that one has set for himself and others. So, the more potent question is: When did you, [Facebook friend], jettison your moral compass to embrace President Trump's foul, demeaning, and reprobate language, ideologies, beliefs, and morals?

          For me, and most of those with whom I “hang,” the fact that Trump is foul-mouthed doesn't necessarily bother me or them, because language is contextual to, and with, the persons and the audience that uses it. What bothers me is that the President has two audiences: One audience includes those who once had a moral compass regarding such language, but who no longer do because they, like many who embrace bullies, are willing to go along because they think that this bully will be an ally against their real and imagined enemies and will advance some of their goals. I would think my Facebook friend is in this category.

          The other audience includes those who believe all that Trump says and believes, and they talk and act like he does. They whole-heartedly embrace his belligerence and his coarse nature.  They believe that “might is right,” and that, as a nation, we should embrace nationalism, violence, bigotry, torture, and ignorance. They believe that the ends justify any means.  In fact, my Facebook friend has stated things that indicate he may, very well, espouse some of those same ideals of this latter audience.

          So, the question is not about what the "liberals" think, say, and believe. The question is: What do you (my Facebook friends) think, believe, and say? Do you recommend that your posterity embrace all of President Trump's mannerisms, thoughts, and beliefs, or are you more policy-oriented and support President Trump's goals? The latter I can respect, the former I cannot. While I can love you as a fellow sojourner upon this earth, I cannot respect that you embrace President Trump's character, morals, language, and all of his stated beliefs.

          Respect is something that President Trump has not fostered and does not deserve from anyone – perhaps even his family. When I use the term "respect," I don't mean the kind of respect that you give a hungry, great white shark while swimming naked in the cold waters of the Cape. I mean the respect you give those like President Spencer W. Kimball, Nelson Mandela, Sir William Wallace, Coach LaVell Edwards, Steven Covey, Rev. Martin Luther King, President Abraham Lincoln, etc.

          By the way, despite my Facebook friend’s demonization of them, many "liberals" are not "faux-puritans." Some of them are more "pure," "righteous," "puritanical," and good than you and I will ever be – as are many conservatives.

Loren M. Lambert © September 27, 2017

Our Flag

          Who is in charge of the appropriate ritual and way to honor the anthem, and flag, and the country they symbolize? I want to talk with him, her, or it.

Loren M. Lambert © September 27, 2017

A New Hobby is Born! (Scuba Diving)

           I started scuba diving with the Marina Diving Center, in a bay on the west side off of Gallinara Island, just southwest of Loano, Italy. It was really amazing!  The dive seemed to go really fast. I was in the water for 54 minutes and swam to about 18-20 meters (60 feet).

           We boated to the Island of Gallinara, where I saw an old, Spanish castle on top of the island, which is now deserted and designated as a national protected area. I saw schools of Jacks, Barracuda, Metallic Blue Fish, several Moray eels, Groupers, a single starfish, and lots of other fish.

           A statue of Jesus stood tall under the water.  I swam right over the top of its out-stretched arms, but alas, they remained still as stone and he did not embrace, which would have been uncomfortable, but I did feel blessed. It was an amazing feeling! I wanted to scream at the end, but I didn't, because that might have seemed weird to everyone.

Loren M. Lambert © September 27, 2017

What Should Be The Law?

          In some states, private sector employers can terminate their employees for engaging in political speech whether for, or not, supporting our current commander-in-chief. However, the more advanced, pragmatic, and wise states (and there are many), like Utah, prohibit terminating employees for supporting or protesting any president. That is how it should be.

          Moreover, litmus tests requiring employees to demonstrate, in any particular manner, allegiance to any political party or religion, or to conform to a particular manner of showing patriotism, should not be permitted. Placing one’s hand over one’s heart, bending one's knees and bowing, holding one's fist up and bowing one's head, crossing one's heart, wearing any type of religious or political garb, saying the pledge of allegiance, etc. says nothing about the person's heart, head, value, patriotism, sincerity, or political correctness as a U.S. citizen.

          Furthermore, it's football – just football! Please do stop buying tickets if you insist upon others conforming to your particular patriotism ritual because it wounds your delicate mind and profound insecurity if they don’t conform.  Those who support President Trump, and those who are wise enough to not support him, can all be patriots in their own manner.

Loren M. Lambert © September 26, 2017

Trump Pardons Barabbas, Instead of Jesus

          Several of my misguided friends try to compare the pardoning of Arizona Sheriff Arpaio with some other presidential pardons by misrepresenting the facts. But even if you take them at their word that President Obama pardoned a drug dealer, please ask yourselves these questions:

          In any society, who wields the most power to do irreversible harm to people, under the guise of appropriateness and under the color of the law? A county sheriff or a petty criminal?

          Who served more time for his crimes? Sheriff Arpaio or those who President Obama pardoned?

          Who is more detrimental to our rule of law? A county sheriff who intentionally violated a federal court order, or a petty marijuana dealer?

          If our guiding principle is, "much is expected to whom much is given," we must ask ourselves: Was Sheriff Arpaio given much?

          When does a presidential pardon have the most propensity to politically benefit a president in further sustaining his continued occupation of his office? At the beginning of his first term, or the very end of his second term?

          If you think Arpaio is a hero, think again. John Oliver's expose is right on point. The man was a vile law breaker who took advantage of the very most vulnerable of our society. These were people who (though they must be held accountable to our laws, as he should have been), according to our traditions of being our brother's keeper, merit our care, concern, and restraint. 

(Posted video: Joe Arpaio: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver [HBO])

Loren M. Lambert © September 18, 2017

Throw Off the Shackles Of Suits

          I first tried Jos. A. Banks Men’s Suits & Clothing, and then Dillards. I asked the sales staff if they sold a jacket that was washable, could pass as a stylish suit/sports coat, and was also useful in that it fit like a coat, so that it could be practical and keep me warm when needed. I explained that I was tired of traveling and having to take a suit coat for looks and a jacket for the cold (fall and spring conditions). There had to be something that combined the qualities of both. They looked at me as if I was crazy (which of course I am, but not because of my question) and in a huff, they said “no.” I tried many, many other stores, but to no avail.

          You see, I had thrown off the shackles of wearing uncomfortable, impractical dress slacks a few years ago and have been, instead, wearing comfortable, practical, washable denim pants that look great and don’t detract from my professionalism.

          This is because so many great and versatile textiles exist these days. They are used to make pants, shoes, shirts, and sweaters, but, unfortunately, not any sports or suit coats. Instead, we still have to buy these ridiculously impractical, uncomfortable suit coats that we have to dry clean, and that are ruined with the slightest exertion. We need to rebel. We need to do what I did today. If enough people create a market, we would find “suit coats” that look good in court and can be washed at home and are wrinkle-free.

          “But wait!” you say, “Girls really dig a nice suit that looks expensive! Furthermore, I really like my dry cleaner.” 

          There is no reason our ingenious clothiers can’t come up with a really nice suit coat that looks expensive (or is), is comfortable, practical, keeps you warm, looks professional, and best of all, is washable!  I really like my dry cleaner too, but what if instead of spending money on dry cleaners, that same dry-cleaner can now be our masseuse, or create topiary creations in our front yard or on top of our heads?

          My search for the perfect jacket finally paid off! I found something that is going to work!

Where did I find a jacket that could keep me warm when I needed, was suitable to wear to a hearing or into court, was comfortable and practical in that it would not fall apart when it traveled with me, and was, best of all, washable? Macy’s!

          Please rebel! Go to the South Town Center Macy’s and ask them the same thing I did. If enough people do it, you will not only have better choices, you will help me convince the world that suits, as we know them, need to join the junk heap of history.  (No, I don’t get any kickbacks from Macy’s, but the fact that they had three jackets that fit my criteria should be rewarded.)

          Now, I can move on to find a tie that is also washable and serves some utilitarian purpose – like allowing me to instantly speak Klingon.

Loren M. Lambert © September 6, 2017

Albion Basin – A Jewel

          Alta ski resort keeps Albion Basin clean. My son and I started policing for garbage about half of a mile before reaching the bottom of the hill and barely found enough to fill one half of a small plastic bag. Well done, Alta! Well done, hikers!

          (NOTE: The one “sore spot” we found was an abandoned Quonset hut on the ridge. However, I think Brighton owns it.)

Loren M. Lambert © September 4, 2017

Prosperity Evangelism/Gospel (Yes, Sometimes They Go Too Far)

          On MSNBC, AM Joy (Journalist Joy Reid) presented a story on prosperity evangelism (or prosperity gospel), critiquing religious leaders for preaching that if you are good, you will prosper, and if you prosper, you must be good. (Many think President Trump is, ipso facto, a good person in the Biblical sense.) I agree that many think this way, and I further agree it has – as stated in this black-and-white way – no basis in Christ's gospel of reality.  However, it's only half the story.

          AM Joy talked with Pastor Mark Burns, who is a member of part of President Trump's Evangelical Advisory Counsel. He tried to point out that living by certain principles will help you prosper and bring abundance. I believe that this is true.

          While Pastor Burns was very professional and respectful of AM Joy and the other two panelists, New York Times writer, Anthea Butler (who wrote an article on Prosperity Evangelism) was laughing and smirking at Pastor Burns. This is what is rightfully off-putting to the religious right and others who can recognize the value and good things that some religions promote. Instead of rejecting, offhand, what Pastor Burns had to say, Joy and Butler should have listened respectfully and acknowledged – or at least tried to see – that there was validity in what he had to say.

          The bottom line is that misfortune and fortune comes to all – good and bad people. When either comes, it is not indicative of the "goodness" of that person. However, we reduce the risk of failure and enhance our chances for success when we live well. Living well often includes adhering to some religious dogmas and teachings, because interestingly enough, such truths are universal and are accessible to all, and their validity can be experienced simply by living those principles.

 (Side note: Frank Shaeffer was also a panelist and remained very respectful.)

Loren M. Lambert © September 3, 2017

Trump White House/Administration Prophesies

          Predictions: President Trump, and at least five members of his staff, will be indicted. Several will be convicted. All will be pardoned by either Trump or Pence.

          Moreover, the Trump worshipers who chime in every now and then on my Facebook wall, will still claim it was all just a liberal/progressive conspiracy, despite all the conservatives, libertarians, and independents who are, or who will be, climbing aboard the remaining life boats from the Trump Titanic, where Captain Trump continues to re-arrange the deck chairs and throw some overboard from the oval wheelhouse.

Loren M. Lambert © August 28, 2017

Message from Trump to Lawbreakers Who Are Willing to Violate the Law To Advance His Ascension Into Dictatorship: Fire Away, I Will Pardon You!

          By pardoning Sheriff Joe Arpaio, President Trump puts all champions of the rule of law, of our Constitution, and of our system of justice on notice that he will do everything in his power to set himself up as a dictator and will make sure that those who are willing to support him can violate the law to do so, and he will pardon them.

Loren M. Lambert © August 27, 2017

Merit-Based Uterus Immigration

           Nobody should have any babies, unless those babies go through Trump’s extreme vetting process. This is because many un-vetted babies have been allowed to immigrate into this country, via uteruses, and have perpetrated crimes upon innocent Americans.

          So, let's build a wall around the uteruses and make obstetricians pay for them. Moreover, let’s only allow merit-based uterus immigration into this country.

Loren M. Lambert © August 25, 2017

Until Humankind is Perfect...

          When humankind is perfect and pure, I will be willing to live in a purely capitalistic or purely communistic system. Since we are not perfect and pure, we must deploy the discipline of capitalism to civilize the tyranny of the masses, and we must employ the virtues of liberalism to prevent the despotism of the privileged.

Loren M. Lambert © August 15, 2017

The Opposite Side of Unwise, Sign-of-the-Times, Presidential Sagacities

          As a somewhat less-than-not-completely diplomatic, current, but very antiquated, unwise, somewhat-male person intimated:

          Those who are in place, and those who do not breed, will always be outflanked by, and at the mercy of, those who immigrate and breed.

          Therefore, it is almost highly, but difficultly advised, that only merit-based immigration and breeding be allowed – unless you happen to be a slightly-less-than-manly male leader of the free world, who speaks loudly and carries an array of tiny fingers and other tiny accessory parts, and who violates, on a personal level, what he insists that everyone else adhere to.

Loren M. Lambert © August 10, 2017

A Constitutional Right to Public Education

Utah Constitution – Article III § 4 states:

          The Legislature shall make laws for the establishment and maintenance of a system of public schools, which shall be open to all the children of the State and be free from sectarian control.

          Has Utah continued to live up to this constitutional requirement? If not, why was this such an important bedrock principle to Utah’s founding 'forefathers' and not to Utah’s floundering, forward-looking legislators?

Loren M. Lambert © August 7, 2017

Suborning The Commission of a Crime or Tort? Are You Innocent or Not? (Several Questions That All U.S. Citizens Should Answer.)

            Are you a party to a crime if you receive goods (anything of value – including information) that you know are stolen, and you use them for profit?

Are you a party to a crime if you encourage the theft of property so that you can obtain that property to your benefit, even though you didn’t do the deed?

            Does encouraging the theft of property, so that you can obtain that property to your benefit, create a black market for the continued criminal acquisition of similar property in the future?

            Do you bare any criminal or civil culpability for the commission of a criminal act if you are a business or person with power, wealth, and fame, who is economically and/or politically positioned (or even thought to be so positioned) to benefit another entity and person, and you suggest to another entity or person that if they commit a criminal act, they will be in your good graces – and so they do, in fact, commit that criminal act?

           Are you a party to a crime if you are a government official who holds a high political office (such as President of the United States) and you encourage entities or persons over whom you have persuasive authority, to violate criminal and civil laws – and then they do so?         

           Are you corrupt and party to a crime if you are a government official who is politically positioned to benefit another entity or person (or even thought to be so positioned) to prevent the application of the law to that entity or person, and you suggest or demonstrate to that entity or person that if they commit a criminal act they will be in your good graces and you will assure that they will not face legal consequences for their actions?

           Are you corrupt and a party to a legal violation if you are a government official who is politically positioned to take adverse action against an entity or person (or even thought to be so positioned), and you suggest to that entity or person that if they do not do something, or do not refrain from doing something that the entity or person is legally obligated to do (or are supposed to do or not do), you will take adverse action against them, and rather than comply with their legal obligation, they give into your pressure out of fear of retaliation?

           Have you abused your power if you are a government official who is politically positioned to take adverse action against an entity or person (or even one thought to be so positioned), and you suggest to that entity or person that if they do not do something, or do not refrain from doing something that the entity or person is legally obligated to do, or is supposed to do or not do, you will take adverse action against them, so they ignore you and thereby comply with their legal obligation, and you do retaliate against them?

           President Trump, personally or through his agents, is guilty of all this and probably more.

Loren M. Lambert © August 30, 2017

World News Politics

          I don't consider myself a liberal (and I don't know who is part of that tribal group, or in what country they dwell), but since many label me as a "liberal," let me state, categorically, that I'm not fuming. I just hope that the true spirit of Bible study actually moves them to be better people.

          The Pharisees had daily prayer and bible study and they crucified Christ. The Inquisition had daily prayer and bible study and they tortured innocent people to death. The leaders in Salem had daily prayer and bible study and they burned innocent women, as witches.

          As an attorney, I have represented victims who have been savagely victimized by people who had daily prayer and bible study.  I have even represented a few defendants who had daily prayer and bible study who perpetrated vile physical, sexual, and financial crimes. Having daily prayer and bible study is meaningless unless it changes your heart for the better and governs your actions. If such superficial displays of piety assuage your conscious about all the corruption and perfidy of the Trumps, and those he admires and holds out as role models, good luck with that.

(POSTED: “Trump’s Cabinet Is First in 100 Years to Hold Weekly Bible Study, Liberals Are Fuming.” President Trump and his cabinet are shocking the world. They don’t hesitate to get rid of anyone that doesn’t serve the American people, but that’s not all . . .)

Loren M. Lambert © August 1, 2017

Circumstantial Evidence Points To Russian Collusion

           Circumstantial evidence is sufficient to convict an individual of a crime. There is now sufficient circumstantial evidence that President Trump, and those associated with him in his campaign, colluded with the Russians in their efforts to influence our political process.
          However, the most disheartening reality of this entire debacle, is that many Americans do not understand, and some purposely choose to be ignorant of, the reasons why this Russian collusion equates to criminal behavior and is a serious threat to our democracy.

Loren M. Lambert © August 1, 2017

Survival of the Meanest

          A couple of weeks ago, a client was in my office alleging discrimination and wrongful termination against her employer, the University of Utah Hospital. In analyzing her case, I had to inform her that I didn’t think her case had merit and I could not help her. I did encourage her to seek a second opinion, or three.

          Most people view an attorney as either a cheerleader for their cause, or as a weapon that they can pick up and wield as they choose. These people would rather shoot the bearer of any bad news than accept advice.  Most attorneys know this. When analyzing a case, they consider it, and rather than upsetting those with whom they first consult, they simply tell potential clients that they are too busy to take their case. I personally don’t think that is productive. So, I told this potential client what I thought.

          I also asked her if I could copy a document she had brought that demonstrated her employer had implemented one of the most strict attendance policies that I had encountered. Although this document did not support her case (because the policy was not illegal), I indicated that the document could help me demonstrate (in my disability cases) that employers are more intolerant than many vocational experts indicate. She declined, indicating that if I couldn’t help her, she was not going to help me. What she failed to understand was that, although I am a beneficiary of cases I successfully resolve, the document would help other blue-collar workers, like her. I tried to explain this, but to no avail.

          This typifies the attitude that many blue-collar workers and other individuals in our workforce have, who seek employment because they do not have the capacity or the desire to form small businesses for self-employment. It also highlights the main reason that employees have such little power in states like Utah.

          They cannot understand that they have more in common with those with whom they work than the Donald Trumps of the world. In fact, they have more in common with the immigrant than they have with some of the tyrants residing at the top. They do not understand that while there are only a few industries and businesses that offer certain services and products – and therefore enjoy operating with limited competition – there are hundreds who are willing and able to compete for the few jobs that such companies offer. They claw, scratch, gouge, and demean their coworkers, literally, metaphorically, and politically. And they gaze up, fondly, and fawn over those who have no affection for them, and who, too often, view them with great disdain. They think this is what will get them ahead. It doesn’t.

          Until blue-collar workers and other employees once again become fed up, as they were when the industrial age was at its height, not much will change to advance the rights of the working class. The sad reality of that is, it would take so little to demand and achieve what they rightly deserve: a living wage, affordable housing, adequate healthcare, safe neighborhoods, a clean sustainable environment, an even playing field, and accessible educational opportunities.

Loren M. Lambert © July 29, 2017

All May Serve, If Capable

          All Americans who are willing to adhere to the laws of this nation, and who are citizens of this United States (or who are given, by this people, a legal path to be), should, based upon their capacity to do the work and adhere to the obligations of their office, be allowed to serve in any capacity, in any job, anywhere, in any government or private employment, even the U.S. military, free from any discrimination or bias against them.

Loren M. Lambert © July 27, 2017

SWB on Socialized Celebrations – July 24th Pioneer Day

          Rocky, here! It’s Rocky the Squirrel, from SWB (Squirrels Without Borders). I would, again, urge all you Utah voters to support candidates who do not advocate that your government engage in the forced redistribution of wealth – which by any other name is theft – by making your fellow citizens pay for Pioneer Day fireworks.

          Besides, it takes us Squirrels several days to calm down afterward. That should concern most Utahans, since we know how much you care about all of God's creations. Last year, Squirrels suffering from FIPTSD (Fireworks-Induced, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) caused 1.8 million dollars in damage to many Utah homes.

          Better yet, just ban all fireworks. We won't bat a eye or even wag a tail if you do.

Loren M. Lambert © July 24, 2017

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

          Verse 25)   On one occasion, an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

          26)   “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

          27)   He answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.”

          28)   “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this, and you will live.”

          29)   But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

          30)   In reply, Jesus said: “A man was going down from Washington D.C. to Nevada, and he was attacked by cancer cells in a grade IV Glioblastoma. They stripped him of his sanity and wealth, and beat his body into a coma, leaving him half dead.

          31)   An insurance adjustor happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side and said he was sorry that he had denied him insurance coverage when he could have, because he had a pre-existing condition from his military service.

          32)   So too, a medical professional, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side, whispering to himself that if medical care was given to those who could not afford it, it would diminish his profits and limit the care of others.

          33)   But a Republican, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.

          34)   He went to him, patted him on the head, and gave him a drink of water. Then, he shot a donkey that was passing by, and told him that the donkey’s carcass was, actually, really great health care – the best in the world.

          35)   The next day, the Republican took out two dollars and gave to the local mayor. “Clean up the two carcases,” he said, “and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have, if you vote for me.”

          36)   Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of cancer?

          37)   The expert in the law replied, “All of them, for they knew what was best for the living, and they let the man with cancer die while under the comforting smell of a rotting carcass.”

Jesus told him, “Go, and do likewise.”

Loren M. Lambert © July 22, 2017

Parents Should Be Free From Government Oversight To Decide When, And If, They Provide Healthcare To Their Children

          If an individual, an employer, an insurance company, a group, a community, or a government has a right or an obligation to exclude individuals from participating in the healthcare insurance system, and thereby be unable to obtain medical care, due to irresponsibility, pre-existing conditions, poverty, passive eugenics, geographic disconnection, or a catastrophic injury or illness, why couldn't a parent decide to withhold medical care from children for any of these reasons?

Loren M. Lambert © July 22, 2017

Herb Cowan on the Trump Train Wreck

          “Twenty, thirty years from now, we’ll all agree on the train wreck that was the Trump presidency. The only thing we’ll argue – or at least younger people than me will argue about – is who made the biggest mistake: the Dems in choosing Hillary as their candidate, or the country in electing Trump as the president?” asserted Herb Cowan, large vegetable farmer, and my mentor.

          “So, who should win that one?” I asked.

          “Before Vietnam, instead of getting drafted, my best friend and I were trying to decide which service to join. I chose the army, he went navy. He died, I lived,” he answered.

          “What does that mean?” I asked.

          “What do you want it to mean?” he said as he went to milk the cows.

Loren M. Lambert © July 21, 2017

Upon Whom Does the Moral Imperative Fall for Medical Care?

          Please answer these questions (and don't go further than the question):

          1)  Do parents have an obligation or responsibility (not as a matter of law, but as a matter of principle) to pay for the medical care for their sick, ill, or afflicted child? If so, for how long?

          2)  Do children have an obligation or responsibility  (not as a matter of law, but as a matter of principle) to pay for the medical care for their sick, ill, or afflicted parent? If so, when does that obligation start?

          3)  In 200 BC, did small communities of less than 1,000 people have an obligation or responsibility (not as a matter of law, but as a matter of principle) to assist in caring for any sick, ill, or afflicted residents?

          4)  What percentage of the overall cost of healthcare do medical malpractice lawsuits and payouts have on the cost of medical care? How much profit do medical malpractice insurers make? How much do the attorneys of medical malpractice insurers make? Does anyone know, do you just believe what you are told, or is it some gut reaction?

          5)  Who should (or who does) pay for uninsured or non-paying patients who go to emergency rooms? What percentage of the overall cost of healthcare does such expense have on the cost of medical care?

Loren M. Lambert, © July 19, 2017

The Realities of The Power of Employers

          This is not a question of whether or not it happened. It did. And, it happened here in Salt Lake City. We have irrefutable proof of it.

          John Doe works for Company A, who does business with Company B. John Doe is an at-will employee of Company A, meaning he can leave at any time without warning. The company can fire him at any time without warning, for any reason, for no reason, or even for the wrong reason, so long as it does not run foul of very specific and limited restraints on employer and employee contractual interactions. John Doe is a very good employee.

          John Doe learns that Company B is interested in hiring him and paying him considerably more than he is making for Company A. John Doe says he will take the new job. Company A finds this out and calls Company B and tells it that if it hires John Doe, it will sever its business relations. Company B tells this to John Doe and indicates it cannot hire him.

          John Doe has a right to sue for interference with contractual relations with Company A. However, John Doe realizes that his industry is so insular that if he takes this action, it may prevent him from advancing in his chosen field. Also, almost all litigation remedies cannot completely restore what has been lost, because it is an imperfect solution to remedy wrongful, bad, or negligent behavior. So, because of the realities of politics and those who have the power in our society, he has been stymied for improving his economic position.

          Setting aside the question of whether or not John Doe should sue, what does the reality of what happened here tell us about people who are in positions of power as employers? What does it tell us about how they view their work force?

Loren M. Lambert © July 17, 2017

Workers’ Compensation Doctors and Nurse Case Managers – Not Your Advocates

          Here’s what was drafted by a local Workers’ Compensation Insurer in a letter to my client:

          “I have been requested by your claims adjuster, [John Doe], to assist you in your medical recovery process. As a registered nurse case manager, [Michael (names are changed)] is to coordinate, communicate an (sic) advocate for you during your medical recovery. Your cooperation will assist me with this goal.”

          This is a problem. Can we really trust that this Workers’ Compensation Insurer has my client’s best interest at heart and that all communications will be clearly expressed? Language and non-verbal ques, even when spoken or used by native speakers, are very imperfect. Mis-perceptions are common, and they can harm people being “helped” by those who do not have their best interests at heart. Granted, in business we often align our mind-set with our employer, because our employer compensates us. When information can be interpreted several ways, or when a mis-perception is evident but benefits our self-interest – or that of our employer – we often support it, without really questioning whether it is complete or correct.  Our human nature drives us to align with entities that benefit our self-interests. Due to these affiliations and affinities, and due to both conscious and unconscious bias, we tend to side with the philosophies of “our group.”

          As it is, here are some mistakes that employees working for the workers’ compensation insurance company make on a too-regular basis:

          1. All ambiguous or imprecise messaging is interpreted against the injured worker and in favor of our employer.

          2. All identified mis-perceptions or mis-communication that adversely affect the injured worker and benefit our employer are never clarified to dispel the mis-perception.

          3. We seek only to find, develop, and create information that ratifies all preconceived notions, taught by the employer, that injured workers are all trying to defraud the system.

          4. All of our acquisition of information, and of our learning, centers around studies and sources that favor a denial of benefits due to lack of medical and legal causation, or other reasons, to the exclusion of valid contrary studies, sources, and information.

          5. We adopt the sentiments, philosophies, and conscious and un-conscious biases of our employer that are adverse to the injured employees’ interests, but we do not view them as such. Having never been exposed to or having never sought out contrary information, we think our unchallenged positions, beliefs, and theories are irrefutable.

          Study after study, as well as my own experience in the adversarial system, has shown that we as humans have this tendency.

          Consequently, any process that allows the opposition to deign to be an “advocate” – either as the employer or insurance companies’ treating physician, or as a “registered nurse case manager”– will, when it matters, engage in actions and behavior that lead to great injustices, especially when the injured worker is dis-advantaged by class, ignorance, mental and cognitive incapacity, cultural dissonance, and is a minority. In my client’s case, this lead to mis-perception, piled upon mistake, and then and great injustice.

          If you are injured, do not use the employer/insurance companies’ treating physicians, nor allow their nurse case workers to go to your appointments. The law only requires that you go to an initial visit and then you can go to your own doctor. We also need to legislate that employers and insurance companies must advise injured workers that these hired professionals work for the employer and insurance company – not the injured worker.

Loren M. Lambert, © July 13, 2017

President Trump Re: "White" Russia/Vladimir Putin, and "Brown" Cuba/Raul Castro

          Why is President Trump (and some U.S. Citizens) so chummy with Russia/Vladimir Putin and so dismissive of Cuba/Raul Castro? Does either country or leader have the upper hand in civil rights, democracy, and freedom? No. So why does Trump want to again retreat from Cuba and embrace Putin?

          Cuba is “brown” and offers  no Trump money-making opportunities, while Russia is “white” and has enriched Trump. Also, it's simply a way of pissing on anything President Obama did, right or wrong. That’s it.

          Which country is more likely to modernize and moderate simply by normalizing relations with its people? Cuba.

          Which country, by embracing, will we embolden to further destabilize and corrupt the world and counter our interests? Russia. 

          Welcome to the new Soviet-oriented United States foreign policy.

Loren M. Lambert, © July 8, 2017

Fiscally Sound and Culturally Affirmative Progressivism

          Progressive and liberal insurgencies have served us well as a country by promoting independence, universal suffrage, emancipation, integration, free speech, civil rights, industrialization, public education, environmentalism, and innovation etc. They are not incompatible with individual liberty, nor fiscal responsibility.

          For every progressive initiative, there is a fiscally sound and culturally affirmative approach to advancing its goals.

          Never lose sight of the fact that if we desire to progress as a society, by consistently improving our quality of life in all respects, we must be careful not to create an elusive ideal that impoverishes both the spirit and the pocket.

Loren M. Lambert, © July 8, 2017

Capitalism is Not Incompatible With Compassion

          For every societal problem there is a conservative solution. Never lose sight of the fact that the political and the social sciences are as imperfect as are the others, if not more so.

          No one has all the answers, as I do not, but truth should be acknowledged from wherever it resides or originates.

Loren M. Lambert, © July 7, 2017

No One Who Is Impulsive and Irrational Should Have a Nuke

          I asked Herb Cowan, large vegetable farmer and my mentor, what he thought about North Korea and Kim Jong-un having a nuke and an ICBM. He said: "That is as easy to answer as whether or not I would allow a blind raccoon with palsy to give me a shave with a straight razor because no human who ever acts impulsively and irrationally should have power over a nuke."

          “Fair enough,” I replied, then asked, “In that case, what should we do about Kim Jong-un?”

          He responded, "Who's talking about Mr. Un? I mean President Trump, and all the rest of us." 

          “So what should we do?” I asked.

          He answered, "I'm not sure there's a good answer. I mean, what can you do when you’re naked and have the option of sitting on a cactus or a porcupine?"

Loren M. Lambert, © July 6, 2017


          This morning, as I awoke in a dream, I was singing Switchfoot’s “Always” to a loved one. It’s funny how something as immaterial as a dream can provide such peace. And that's how I started my day.

          The song is sung from a parent or guardian being’s perspective of always being there for his/her loved ones or charges.

          As my work day ended, I met with a gentleman who has worked hard all his life. Over the past two years, he has been fighting brain cancer and has had two strokes/seizures at work. He’s undergone surgery and chemotherapy.

          Although his doctors cleared him to work, his employer terminated him as a liability. His treatments and disease have also slowed him down to the point he can't find work. In preparing him for his evaluation, with tears nearly clouding his eyes, he explained how he wants to go back to work and expressed his love for his children who have been caring for him. There was no bitterness, nor fear in his words or eyes, just an overwhelming desire to be useful and not a burden to his loved ones.

          At that point it struck me that I really do love my job. I love being of service to those who have done their best and expended all their energy until they don't have any left. Sometimes, just showing up and working steadily through the years is the most courageous and admirable thing you could do, to be “Always” there, until life no longer allows it.

           I really do love my clients and am privileged to serve them. To this client, and all the others  – may I always be there for you.

This is the start
This is your heart
This is the day you were born.
This is the sun
These are your lungs
This is the day you were born.
And I am always yours.
These are the scars
Deep in your heart
This is the place you were born.
This is the hole
Where most of your soul
Comes ripping out
From the places you've been torn.
And it is always yours
But I am always yours.


Loren M. Lambert, © 2017

Fox and Phonies

          Goodness!  I'm listening to "Fox and Friends” (better labeled, "Fox and Phonies”). How can anyone get fooled by its absence of substance? I don't care if you love Trump and his policies. I'll respect you for that, but can't you do better than this? Are you serious?  Today, they featured an "expert" from Circa ( an aggregator that takes innuendo and gossip and cobbles it together as "news"). 

          Do any of you, who listen to them, have the ability to discern between opinion, propaganda, horse dung, and its opposite? It's complete, unadulterated horseradish.

Loren M. Lambert © July 3, 2017

The Maybird, to South Thunder Mountain, to Bell’s Canyon Beat Out

          With a 30-pound pack on my back, my ice ax drilled into the snowpack before me, my feet jammed into the two footholds I had just hacked out, and 11 hours of hiking and climbing under my belt, I rested my head against the compact snow that made up the 60-degree-angled slope on which I was perched. Consciously breathing deep into the bottom of my lungs, I peered under my left arm. The world dropped out below me, the snow stretching several hundred feet downward where it ended in its rock-strewn terminal moraine. Above those rocks, the upside down view of the deep red, brown, and beige-striated, shear, rock-face of Superior Peak on the Cottonwood Ridge spread to the east and west beyond my view. It was dizzying.

          I was now just a little less than halfway into my journey. I had started the previous day at 3 pm from the White Pine Trailhead, then hiked past the Red Pine cut off to an overnight bivouac in Maybird Gulch. My tent was cradled in the cirque above Maybird Lake, just below a snow field. Twice during the night, I was awakened by thunderous rock-falls peeling off the Pfiefferhorn. After a cold and restless sleep, I arose at 5:30 a.m., quickly ate my two pre-cooked, home-made amalgam waffles, and navigated over the Pfiefferhorn’s northern ridgeline between Maybird Gulch to Hogum Fork. I could already feel the miles and the thinness of the air burdening my body.

          The climb wasn’t exceptionally dangerous, but dangerous, nonetheless. If I’d had the skill and courage of doing exceptionally dangerous things and had lived, it was likely that more than just my mother would care about the fact that I questioned my sanity by asking in a whisper: “What am I doing here?”  Without debate, I continued my path upward, sixteen steps at a time. While I take risks, I don’t take them casually, nor ignorantly. I prefer to take my risks with deliberate calculation. I had picked the slope I was on as the one with the longest leveling off at the bottom, so that if I slipped and failed to self-arrest, I might survive the slide down to the rocks at the bottom. I also moved with great care: slowly up the snow field with no less than two points of contact in the snow at all times – ice ax in, one foot moving, then the next, and repeating the sequence. When the snow became too hard to beat out an adequate toehold, I would hack them out with my ax.

          I moved further up as the face steepened. Then, I moved laterally to my left to the rocky granite crag where I could clamber up to the ridge line where I would head west. I climbed north along Lightning Ridge, past a half-dozen minor peaks with hay stacks of massive splintered boulders, until slowly making my way to South Thunder Mountain.  I was alone. In the event of a mishap, no one would be at hand to tell people where they could find my body or conduct some first aid and call in the rescuers. I did, however, have my whistle and the most miraculous modern invention – my cell phone!  If I was conscious, I could whistle, or, if in range, call for help. Not that I wouldn’t mind having company, but at this point, all the people I know are smart enough to either decline the invitation, or to come with me, or to just make movies instead of actually climbing the mountain themselves.

          Leaving the snow, I scaled the 50-foot crag, scrambled up, over, around, and through the granite boulders to top the ridge. There, I encountered the only people I would see the entire remainder of my day – two thirty-year-old men. “You just came from down there?” one asked, pointing below me. “Yeah,” I answered, breathing heavily. “Well done!” said the other, enthusiastically, “That’s something!” “Yeah, look!” said the first, pointing down to my tracks up the snowfield, as if they couldn’t believe it. “You can see his tracks!”  We chatted a bit and then the two went on their way, scrambling up the maze of slabs, outcrops, and monoliths towards South Thunder Mountain, where I was headed. By the looks of their progress, they would probably be done with their day five hours earlier than I would be.

          I do a lot of hard things in my life, in my law practice, and in my film and acting career. Rarely does anyone say, “Well done,” even when I win. It was unexpected, un-needed, but nice to hear. So why was I there on that mountain? I thought about that question. I had no good answers, other than I do it because I like it. I like the isolation, the solitude, and the abject austerity and simplicity of it. I like the immersion it demands of me, the challenge that requires total commitment of mind, body and soul.

          With Chipman Peak and the Pfiefferhorn at my back, I traversed up Lightning Ridge amidst the maze. At times, I stopped to peer over the sheer, several-hundred-foot drop-off to my right, in the east, until I finally attained the ill-defined top of South Thunder Peak. I had wanted to climb Chipman, Lone and North Thunder peaks, but like many of my plans, the distance was beyond my capacity and allotted time. After a moment to revel in the achievement, and sign my name in the mail box register, I glissaded down as many snow fields as I could and bushwhacked my way below to the Upper Bell's Canyon Reservoir. A few of my glissades were too fast, but safe. With my legs tiring and my knees starting to ache, I moved evermore slowly, telling myself to concentrate to avoid any slip, stumble or fall. I stopped to take a lot of pictures.

          After reaching upper Bell's Reservoir, I found a trail that, because of snow patches, was hard to follow for a couple miles until I ascended far enough to its more well-worn parts and managed to follow it from thereon out. That was fortunate, because it soon grew dark. With my headlamp and the roaring constant song of the stream, I slowly made my way down. Though anxious to be done, I still stopped here and there to shine my headlamp on water falls that fill the air with mist, cause the earth to tremble, and fill my mind with wonder. Despite Bell’s beauty, most only go to the first waterfall below, which I found myself walking in a swirl of dust that still hung in the air, sparkling in my head lamp’s beam. After what seemed like an eternity, the city’s lights burst into my line of sight and, thereafter, periodically came into view to beacon me onward. When my feet finally reached the valley floor, I peered back up into Bell’s canyon.  At that moment, I swear I could hear – though unexpected and un-needed – the mountain whisper to me: “Well done!”

          Back home in bed – bruised, scratched up, and aching – I slept well. Who can ask for better than that?

Loren M. Lambert © July 2, 2017