Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Trump Glossary of What He Says and What He Means:

What he says: Everyone will be covered by health insurance.
What he means: Everyone will be “covered,” insomuch as people can “cover” the cost of out of their own pockets, or else be “covered” with dirt on their coffins if they cannot pay.

What he says: Mexico will pay for the wall.
What he means: We will pay for the wall with money, but Mexico will pay for it in compliments, because it will be so beautiful.

What he says: The Environmental Protection Agency might also disappear.
What he means: Your clean water, air, and land will disappear and then you will have to buy it from Trump.

What he says: Get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something "terrific" that is "so much better, so much better, so much better."
What he means: Get rid of Obamacare and replace it with Trump soft-serve ice cream and waffles, because that is"terrific" and "so much better, so much better, so much better."

What he says: Save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security without cutting benefits.
What he means: Save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security without cutting benefits, because we'll just “cut” people.

What he says: "I will take care of women, and I have great respect for women. I do cherish women, and I will take care of women."
What he means: "I will take care of and cherish women by ‘putting them in their place,’ where they can be grabbed on a bus under Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly’s kid-glove care, because they have been really, really good to me and I reward good behavior.”

What he says: We must frequently use the term, "radical Islamic terrorism,” and we must agree to temporarily ban most foreign Muslims from entering the United States.
What he means: Trump will frequently use the term, "radical Islamic terrorism" to refer to all Muslims and permanently ban most foreign Muslims from entering the United States because he wants votes from those who do not believe in the first amendment and only believe in the second.

What he says: Never take a vacation while serving as president.
What he means: Trump says, “Never take a vacation while serving as president,” because he is always on vacation and doesn’t need to take one.

What he says: Stop spending money on space exploration until the United States can fix its potholes. Encourage private space-exploration companies to expand.
What he means: Stop spending money on space exploration and give it to private space-exploration companies to expand Trump’s voting base.

What he says: Strengthen the military so that it's "so big and so strong and so great" that "nobody's going to mess with us."
What he means: Spend so much on the military that there is nothing left for other programs and then he can start a war and deflect attention from his bad governance.

What he says: Allow Russia to deal with the Islamic State in Syria and/or work with Russian President Vladimir Putin to wipe out shared enemies.
What he means: Allow Russia to seize Syria, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Latvia, Estonia, etc., and work with Russian President Vladimir Putin to wipe out shared enemies that are our political opponents.

What he says: Shut down parts of the Internet so that Islamic State terrorists cannot use it to recruit American children.
What he means: Use the fear of Islamic State terrorists as an excuse to shut down free speech to protect Fox News and himself from bad press.

What he says: Bring back water-boarding.
What he means: Bring back water-boarding and other torture to use against his political and other enemies.

What he says: Drop that "dirty, rotten traitor," Bowe Bergdahl, out of an airplane, without a parachute, into desolate Afghanistan..
What he means: Suspend constitutional due process rights and civil rights.

What he says: "I will be the greatest ‘jobs’ president that God ever created."
What he means: "I will be the greatest ‘jobs’ president that God ever created, because I am God, and as God, I will declare it so."

What he says: Get rid of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
What he means: Let corporations do as they please with no consequences or responsibility.

What he says: Use "common sense" to fix the mental health system and prevent mass shootings.
What he means: Fix it, but de-fund mental health care and let armed citizens be vigilantes against them.

What he says: Start winning again.
What he means: Start winning again by making sure Trump’s businesses use government graft to start him winning again.

What he says: “Inaccurate news,” “Fake news.”
What he means: News that reports truthful information about him and renders a negative opinion of  him. News that does not report that everything Trump has done, does, has said, and has done, is accurate and positive, or news that does not exaggerate his accomplishments.

What he says: We’re going to cut taxes for everybody.
What he means: We’re going to cut all government services.

What he says: We’re going to bring jobs back.
What he means: We’re going to scrap laws that protect workers, so they become indentured slaves.

Loren M. Lambert © May 8, 2017

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