Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Cult Leader Trump

          Cult leaders manipulate their followers by convincing them that no one knows the truth or the facts, but them.

          Today, Donald Trump asserts that the media and the intellectuals of this country do not report the truth, but that he, and only he, knows the truth and the facts of all things.

          When cult followers recognize their leaders as the source of all truth, cult leaders then manipulate their followers by telling lies about their opponents and lies about themselves. These leaders find a group of people that they can blame for all their followers' problems, and then they set themselves up as their savior to whom their followers owe everything.

          Today, Donald Trump gave a speech on immigration riddled with lies about his opponents, lies about his own history and positions, and he again blamed all the problems of his cult members on immigrants.

          Don't fall for it. Don't be ignorant. If you want a cult leader to follow in some religion, go for it. But don't vote for a cult leader for president.

          And, if you don't want to vote for Hillary Clinton? Find a candidate for whom you can vote, but don't use your dislike for her as an excuse to vote for a pathological liar and a certifiable psychopath.

Loren M. Lambert © September 1, 2016

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