Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Misplaced Outrage of Pay-to-Play Corruption

          There are millions of Americans who are stark raving mad at the cronyism, pay-to-play, and business as usual in Washington – AS THEY SHOULD BE! I am!  However, most of those millions of Americans are only stark raving mad when it comes to the opposition. They are so myopic they cannot see that the same behavior happens in all parties, all states, and even on the local level. There are even many good old Mormon Republicans in the state of Utah who have received economic benefits by greasing the palms of many a Republican politician.

          In fact, it’s happening right now, in the light of day, right before our eyes, and I don’t just mean with RNC. Americans often foam at the mouth when others contribute to an opponent politician through purchasing Girl Scout cookies from that opponent politician’s niece, donating to that opponent politician’s favorite charity, or contributing to that opponent politician’s campaign when it is done to gain access or for “something in return.”  However, they view it as a benign exercise of good citizenship when the money is associated with their chosen party or politician.

          I don’t like the way that the Clintons have organized their lives so that they, like all other politicians (and you are fooling yourself if you think it’s otherwise), have financially benefitted from their political service.

          The stark raving reality is that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have been playing this game their whole lives, but they have simply been on opposite sides of the political payola trough and pay-to-play “corruption” scheme.

          Currently, there is no credible evidence marshaled that indicates either of them has broken any specific laws.  I know that does not make it a good thing, nor right.

          However, I am befuddled at my many conservative friends who are aware of, and go along with, a lot of sleazy, unproductive, lacking-praise behavior from their chosen politicians, but excuse it as being “not against the law.”

          To my conservative friends, I say, keep your outrage, but be brave enough to look under the tent and the carpets of your own party and its chosen politicians with as much fervor as you look at your opposition. Keep your outrage and vote for candidates who will work towards changing the business-as-usual scheme.  Realize that when you have a system that requires enormous amounts of cash to run for political office, without significant oversight and regulation, most candidates will inevitably be pushed into the corruption that we are so tired of seeing. That includes politicians who wear their self-righteous sanctimony – like the trunk and tusks of the elephant, or like the swishing tail on the ass of the donkey – with one hand over their heart, and the other hand on the good ol' King James. Unfortunately, there was really only one candidate who was championing such a position, and that was Bernie Sanders.

          As for me and my house, when the choice is between two individuals who have both engaged in behavior that is unbecoming of a saint, I am picking the one who is not crazy and who is intelligent, thoughtful, and doesn’t make wild, unfounded allegations against political adversaries. A crazy candidate would make a crazy president. If Donald Trump can assert that Ted Cruz’s father was engaged in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, who knows what other delusions are bouncing around in that addled head of his. That kind of person in an executive branch can do unalterable harm.

Loren M. Lambert © August 26, 2016

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